Thursday, August 13, 2009

Throat Infection Bug With Rash

10 things about me "..."

I went from blog Marilena and I got this award, so here I am to write 10 things about me.

But the first rule of the game:

conditions of this award are: tell your readers 10 things that you know it or not but you are true. Indicated that ten people are entitled to the prize, and be sure to let them know that you marked (short comment on their blog will do). Do not forget to link back to the blogger who has won an award.

  1. I love to read, in a way smisurata.Ho started 6 years and have always eaten a lot of books.
  2. One of my dreams is to be able to open a nursery, but they serve a lot of money and by the time I just dream and save money, sooner or later, maybe I'll manage.
  3. I like to sleep, even when I do the afternoon nap XD
  4. In 21 years I have left families, jobs and friends to chase a dream, that dream has now become my husband and I never regret it if I have my scelta.Anche heard, and still feel, very miss my family.
  5. I love to go to the spa when I can take the car and go to Montegrotto and relax completely.
  6. Up to 25 years could not sleep without a light on, then went to live with Tommy and I took off this vice
  7. I do not like public speaking, become red and block me! I would love to get over this thing but I can not really.
  8. I like the smell of the fog, I love opening the windows and see the fog droplets entering the house.
  9. I love children and I love my work (and now that I'm on vacation so much I miss the little people) are
  10. coffee and the employee does not work now that I drink coffee, but few are at the nest when I take even 6 in one day.

I also leave this prize to anyone who passes by here:)

I go back to iron (yuck)



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