Saturday, August 1, 2009

Menorrhagia. More Condition_symptoms


Way, then I stop and lift my gaze to the stars ...
The crowd moves frantically around me and I, as if there were no other outside of my mind, I close my eyes and let myself go.
Many people do not even know the names of the planets that make up the solar system, they do not know how many stars there are in our galaxy.
Our galaxy, the Milky Way, has a number of stars that around between 200 and 400 billion.
Our sun is just one of many yellow dwarf, that fill our galaxy. Believe unique, inimitable, and perhaps an exception, for this reason, it is the biggest nonsense that we humans could do.
For two millennia the Catholic religion, taking the upper hand on nearly all religions and cults that had previously existed, imposed on the mass of the world believe that the only creatures of God
I remind you, for those who do not know that our galaxy is only un di centinaia di miliardi, alcune anche molto più grandi di essa...
Unici, inimitabili, eccezionali ?
Che grande spreco di spazio sarebbe se davvero Dio avesse avuto la premura di non ripetere questa incredibile magia: la vita.
Probabilità, probabilità e ancora probabilità...
Saranno anni che gli scienziati stanno a cercare, calcolare ed immaginare, per riuscire a capire quanto sia possibile che là fuori esista qualcuno come noi, o, molto più probabilmente , meglio di noi.
Questo nostra ricerca mi looks like an attempt to find, perhaps, our origins and the vain attempt to understand more of this vast and mysterious universe.
Are you wondering whether or not I believe that, out there, there is someone else ...
I repeat, what a waste of space would be if it is not so, and then, as the latest scientific research are showing, the water is also in our solar system, planets like Mars and in some the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.
If there is water there is life, remember?
How many times have we heard this statement !
Well, you decide that they, too, if there is no water, no life!
now the ' light pollution of our cities no longer able to look up and see the wonders that God has created, the' infinity of sparkles in the immense blue coat.
People continues to walk around me, smell them, their presence, but they are never going to see what I, closing my eyes and imagine, I'm seeing.
Are you curious?
I just show how great my love for the stars?
Well, I think that's the case, because I love to stay the night, especially in summer, lying on a beach watching the diamonds in the sky, the lights that indicate the path to the sailors, the lights that have the dreams of the most ancient peoples of the earth, those who lived and involved watching and worshiping the stars.
We propose one of my favorite videos:

I hope to be able to communicate something with these images.
experiences become important only if the share with others, do not you?
The infinity of space, the light of stars, the glow of a full moon night: all the things that we are slowly forgetting and innesorabilmente , day after day, distracted by all this technology, instead of be a symbol of evolution, it becomes an example of devolution, since transformed the practice due to the first, in limitation.

Domenico Presutto


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