Sunday, August 2, 2009

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Albert Einstein - A Journey into discovery uncomfortable

Ulm, 14 March 1879.
That days born one of the brightest minds that mankind has ever been able to appreciate.
Just 26 years forever changes the model institutional of interpretation of the physical world.
I do not know how many times remained motionless in front of the elegance of the theories that Einstein worked out.
I could not understand how it was possible that all other scientists of the time they were "asleep" and he, the father of current physics, was the only living being to have had a more open and accurate conception of the world around us.
In 1921 received the Nobel Prize for physics for his discovery of the law of effect photoelectric .
I think all of us now associate the Einstein formula E = mc ², reducing a lifetime of discoveries and theories to a single formula and one that, unfortunately, changed the world.
Energy and mass are two manifestations of the same thing.
At that time it seemed absurd and not very obvious. I almost laughed at his own colleagues of this his statement.
Today, year 2009, we know who was right, we know who discovered the energy that powers stars, but, again, we have not done anything but make a scientific breakthrough to end a war, an end completely different from what the German scientist, a naturalized then American would have ever imagined.
I do not want to be here to explain his theories, they can certainly find it online, but I want you to reflect on the ability of this man of relate with other people and have a vision completely open to all.
Einstein was born into a Jewish family, but ever since he did not accept this view anthropomorphic that his religion, together with that Christian, God gave
His faith was based on science, was fascinated by the elegance that only he was able to extrapolate from the whole.
He came almost to pantheism, ma non volle mai l'etichetta di panteista, anche se varie volte affermò che, secondo lui, Dio fosse presente in natura, nella coscienza della stessa, anche senza interferire col fato e la volontà di noi esseri viventi.
Una persona speciale, non solo per le scoperte che fece, ma anche per il suo modo di pensare, per la sua capacità di contraddirsi senza vergogna e, soprattuto , per la sua sottomissione , sia come uomo sia come scienziato, ad un qualcosa di più grande, un qualcosa che regola tutto l'universo, Dio.
My only regret is that the birth of the atomic bomb is attributed to him, for the simple fact that he discovered how to unlock the energy contained in the atom.
That energy could be used in many ways, not yet though, because our knowledge of nuclear energy are still too scarce above all due to lack of initial interest and beneficial to use clean of this power.
What was the first thought of man faced with an endless power?
build a bomb, something that will enable the creative nation to take in hand the entire globe.
" Fortunately ", and I stress the ironic tone of the adverb, the first to arrive to build such a bomb, were Americans.
It was 1945, World War II, the Japanese or give up ...
the morning of August 6 the same year, was dropped "Little Boy", the first atomic bomb, the effects?
Watch this video to understand.

In conclusione possiamo dire: E=mc², una scoperta scomoda.
Il nucleare è ancora troppo lontano da noi, o meglio, noi siamo troppo lontani dal poter utilizzare l'energia che Dio ha utilizzato per alimentare le stelle.
Oggi l'Italia si sta affacciando ad un balcone senza ringhiera...
Speriamo che la massa lo capisca prima che accada; prima che anche l'Italia inizi a risentire le conseguenze negative of something we have not been able to control.

Domenico Presutto


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