Monday, August 31, 2009

Mount And Blade Unit Tree

laws outlaws

There was a country ruled guns and the faster they had the better of all others. Then came the ideals of science, as long as the man was really convinced that true democracy, as cited by the popular classic, could become feasible.
From that day, followed tante dittature, ne cadeva una e ne sorgeva un'altra, più potente e "sbagliata" di quella precedente.
Poi l' informazione , anche se filtrata, è cominciata a giungere a tutti noi e allora non fu più possibile dominare un popolo, ma ingannarlo sì...
Il parlamento, luogo in cui si legifera , luogo in cui vi sono i nostri rappresentati , dovrebbe essere atto a discutere le proposte di legge e, cosa principale, chi lo fa dovrebbe essere "pulito", a person who has always respected the constitution Italian.
In Italy, for the umpteenth time, things do not work that way.
In our parliament are fewer than 18 people who have been convicted (found guilty by the Italian government) and, nevertheless, continue to legislate , trying to cover traces of their past, looking of misinform the masses, us.
Fortunately there are those who try to do exactly the opposite, that is to inform and try to make us open our eyes to one day, although I think that far:

- " That's enough! "

's who are convicted that we have chosen:

1) Berruti Massimo Maria (Forza Italy)
offense: Facilitation.

2) Bonsignore Vito (Udc - European Parliament).
Crime committed: Extortion.

3) Borghezio Mario (Lega Nord - European Parliament).
offense: Fire aggravated.

4) Umberto Bossi (Lega Nord).
offense: Financing illicit
Source: La Padania . (Web page no longer viewable ) ... it happens!
Source Alternative: Wikipedia . (See " Procedimenti giudiziari").

5) Camber Giulio ( PDL ).
Reato commesso: Millantato credito.

Cantoni Giampiero (FI ).

offense: Corruption and fraudulent bankruptcy.
Source: La Repubblica.

7) Carra Enzo (PD).
offense: False statement to PM
Source: Wikipedia . (See " Decicions court").

8) Ciarrapico Giuseppe (PDL ).
Offense: aggravated fraud, false accounting, fraud, exploitation of child labor.
Source: Wikipedia . (See the "judicial proceedings").

9) De Angelis Marcello (AN).
offense: Banda armed subversive association.
Source: Wikipedia . (Read Bio).

10) Dell 'Utri Marcello (FI ).
offense: False invoices and tax fraud.
Source: Unit.

11) Farina Renato (FI ).
offense: Aiding .
Source: Wikipedia .

12) The Malfa Giorgio (FI - PRI).
offense: Finenziamento offense.
Source: La Padania ... page not found ...
Source Alternative: Wikipedia . (See "Measures court ").

13) Roberto Maroni (Lega Nord).
offense: Resistance and insulting a public official.

14) Nania Domenico (AN).
offense: Personal injuries related to violent activities of extreme right-wing youth groups.
Source: Wikipedia . (See: " judicial proceedings").

15) Papania Antonio (PD).
Reato commesso: Abuso d'ufficio.

16) Naro Giuseppe ( UDC ).
Reato commesso: Abuso d'ufficio.
Source: Wikipedia . (See: "judicial proceedings").

17) Sciascia Salvatore (FI ).
offense: Corruption.
Source: Wikipedia.

18) Tomassini Antonio (FI).
offense: False.
Source: Wikipedia.

Any information given by me can be found freely on the internet ... at least for now!
I invite you to spread this post and download questo elenco dettagliato dei reati commessi dai "nostri rappresentanti".

Domenico Presutto


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