Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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L' Europa sta decidendo ma Berlusconi non ci pensa

from "La Repubblica" February 14, 2011.
Mario Pirani

Enrico Mentana nights ago on the news of "La7" issued a gossip on 'last European Summit held in Brussels. On this occasion, Merkel and Sarkozy have submitted proposte rivoluzionarie con possibili effetti dirompenti, per soccorrere i paesi dell' Eurozona i quali, comeè già avvenuto per la Grecia e l' Irlanda, dovessero trovarsi ai limiti del fallimento per i loro debiti. Prima il Vertice si era intrattenuto sulla situazione egizianaei convenuti si apprestavano, durante il pranzo, ad affrontare la crisi dell' Euro, quando il premier italiano ha chiesto la parola per annunciare che in un altro paese mediterraneo, oltre che sulle sponde del Nilo, la democrazia era in pericolo. Trattavasi dell' Italia, dove i magistrati avevano usurpato il potere, rinviando le leggi approvate dal Parlamento alla Corte costituzionale, organismo di matrice comunista, perché nominato da presidenti della Repubblica comunisti, and, therefore, prone to the dictates of the "red robes." The comparison between the Italian judiciary and the Muslim Brotherhood is not impressed, however, some of these, fed up with the usual soup Berlusconi, and was not collected in the ante even where the journalists stayed, if they felt that already recite and were eager to learn what was boiling in the pot France and Germany. Yet the director of 'La7' scoop 's really did: he was able to bring out that, beyond any possible refutation, which was the level of interest of our Prime Minister for a story destined to have a strong impact on economic life of 'Europe and' Italia.Visto that the Council has dedicated to 'topic not a word escaped and is also the final press conference, we can say that this position corresponds to absolute zero. However, after many doubts Merkel, Romano Prodi as written quote ("Messenger" 6 / 2), "has begun to understand that it could collapse the 'whole system' s Euro. And started a radical change of direction, accepting the French proposal for a closer coordination of policies ... but imposed the content consistent with the values \u200b\u200band interests of Germany. " Hence a series of virtuous commandments, some of which are also good for us, some are listed without sufficient preparation, others, finally, if that remained intact could cost us tears and blood. No coincidence that the title of Prodi says: "If Germany and France decide everything el 'Italy is silent." Very soon the countries of the 'Eurozone (and that is, not all members of the Union' s but those engaged in "enhanced cooperation") within one year will have to approve the three indicators (such as the famous 3% Maastricht) which set the level debt, and productivity growth and, finally, the percentage of GDP devoted to research, education and infrastructure. These indicators should relate, again within a year, to 'approving six reforms (some concern us, some not) on' indexation of wages, pensions and the recognition of qualifications, a single tax for businesses a constitutional provision on 'public debt, a uniform regime for banking crises. In conjunction with the 'introduction of this economic discipline, would be launched (with a decisive German contribution) a financial saving has been invested by major crises. Among the proposals is to reduce the debt to an annual sum equal to 5% between the 'actual amount of GDP (for us today to 118%) and 60% set in his time in Maastricht. For ottemperarvie not suffer the penalties consequent should save 3% of GDP in the 'year, ie 45 billion euro! But for the 'agenda of the Italian prime minister is more important than dealing with Ruby. The vast majority of citizens, meanwhile, is left to 'obscure. "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do", says the Gospel.


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