Thursday, February 17, 2011

Herpes Back And Chest

Auto in centro storico? no grazie..

A little over a month after the activation of electronic gates are already so many problems emerged.
Given that the ZTL in Lucca existed for several years, with the activation of electronic gates is physically materialized, and this has sparked protests from some of the traders of old town complaining about the decline in customers, with the approval of other residents who defend the measure expected for many years, and finally provoking the response Chiari councilor to reopen park in the square for years won the car.
Well while it Favilla Mayor's proposal to open a table of comparison between administration, citizens and trade associations to find some compromise between the parties, one of which may be eg lo spegnimento dei varchi dalle 18.30 alle 20.30, mi permetto di suggerire altre soluzioni forse più interessanti, sicuramente più a lungo respiro ma conseguenti anche alle scelte prese dal’Amministrazione in questi ultimi anni.
Mi riferisco ad esempio ai nuovi parcheggi a pagamento creati all’esterno delle mura urbane che hanno portato e porteranno sicuramente introiti all’Amministrazione Comunale, ma che a mio avviso dovrebbero essere impiegati per realizzare un servizio di mobilita' sostenibile più efficiente e dinamico.
In pratica significa investire nel trasporto pubblico per migliorare il servizio e renderlo piu' attrattivo per l'utenza, eg using electric shuttle that runs frequently, stops poles electronics that monitor the arrival times of vehicles and creating priority lanes, quickly connecting the park and outside the historic center.
At the same time should be increased in the routes and stops the city lines already in existence, which, unfortunately, in recent years have been reduced and suppressed by the Province, which has worsened dramatically service and thus decreasing the number of users of public services, and whereas' increased use of private vehicles especially on rainy days.
To complete the public transport system, as already used in other European cities, would also set up the bike-sharing, namely the possibility to rent bicycles that are parked in various parts of town, at bus stops and public outdoor parking, which equipped with GPS and electronic combination lock with a simple phone call to a special toll-free number are unlocked and can be used for different movements without having to return where you originally picked.
This investment could be implemented gradually in the long run, but studying with the categories of merchants some form of promotion that rewards those who arrive by bus, you may have an incentive to boost trade and the life of the center.
What certainly not in the near future I hope to see you again remove the gates paid by the citizens of Lucca to reopen the center to the car, because in addition to the waste of public money, would not think about the future of our beautiful city.

Matteo Nardini
Future and Freedom - Lucca


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