Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pharamceutical Calculations

Aumento della corruzione

Federalism, wiretapping bill, a process quick and immunities? maybe we should review the first of three, dealing with the opposition and local governments, while the other three bills that make no sense, projects prepared by parliamentary PDL who remained in the drawer for months if not years. There comes a time during the term, these projects can be useful (who?) To the government and especially the Premier, in this chaos that ultimately affects us Italians.
But at a time of international crisis, the Middle East crisis and loss of image abroad, perhaps it would be better to think of other measures, instead of these four projects? The threshold povertà sta aumentando, le imprese chiudono, i profitti diminuiscono.. urgono provvedimenti seri e immediati, riforme vere e non "scosse" tanto acclamate.


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