Thursday, February 24, 2011

Free Online Tech Deck

e le riforme? possiamo aspettare..

In Italia c'è urgenza di riforme, sembra averlo capito anche il Governo e il Presidente del Consiglio.
Naturalmente vista la necessità urgente di cambiare rotta all'Italia the executive search process to focus on short, civil liability of judges and diversity of careers in the judiciary and so on. These should be reforms that would help the Bel (they?) Country to recover.
But the real reforms urged by Confindustria and the Italian people can wait, the first pleasure, then the duty.
Yet the mechanisms to take action to improve are many: Tax reform

_ _ _ Infrastructure Plan small works
Internal Stability Pact
_ _ _
Liberalization Plan Home
_ _ Unlocking the FAS for the plan South

_ _ Civil Justice Innovation and Research

and so on ....

possible that the government need only think of federalism (or you leave the executive or the League), the process quick and other "reform" ad personam?
But the news is so good, we need to instill security in Italian families: rising production and growth of enterprises, combating tax evasion that bears fruit, the opposition parties who falter and fall etc. . and the bad news? the ones on TV do not give it .. this is not propaganda? Oh yes .. among the important reforms I've forgotten the law to gag Rai ..
Italy or will wake up too late ...


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