Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Torna nella stalla il carro del processo breve. Lo stoppa il leghista Roberto Maroni, che teme un contraccolpo troppo forte per i processi e le indagini (con conseguenti proteste della polizia). E la prescrizione breve per salvare Berlusconi dal dibattimento, e dalla probabile condanna per corruzione nel processo Mills, viene spostata su un altro carro, stavolta al Senato, dove la maggioranza non ha problemi di numeri. Sempre prescrizione è (un quarto in meno rispetto ai tempi attuali per chi è incensurato), ma potrebbe ben sposarsi con un ddl come sull'anticorruzione what has long been on the waiting list, sponsored by Pd and Fli, in which it could justify, with a balancing effect, a narrow overall corruption with a "gift" to those who end up being tried for the first time and is clean record (just the premier). Of course, as pointed out by those who know the text, it is a "freight train" because of its complexity, could not be approved quickly. Alternatively, but still in first reading, one might exploit the latest security bill, which is also the Senate, but also a "boxcar." The league, which is not contrary to a provision for the prime minister, provided it has a boomerang effect on other processes, becomes the protagonist of the day. Prior to Palazzo Chigi, where from 9 discusses with Gianni Letta justice reform advocate a people's involvement that goes beyond the mere election of attorneys' fees, then to Palazzo Grazioli, where the group leader in the House Marco Reguzzoni participates in the summit meeting with Berlusconi, Alfano , Ghedini, the leaders of the House and Senate, and they talk about how to resolve the legal problems of the landlord. Umberto Bossi, in the evening, the circle closes and plays the de profundis official immunity, "I am against it. People think that Berlusconi is a bit 'persecuted and would agree only to him, but not for all parliamentarians. " Then Bossi, say sources Carroccio, "does not want to upset to Napolitano." Same reason that has slowed the process shortly. Of course, on storage (temporary) of the process short, the official version of the Keeper of Angelino Alfano is quite another. He argues in Transatlantic, "I do not want at this time to become a break while we are working on constitutional reform." Be a coincidence, but the first few minutes are over, the Justice Committee, the hearings of the attorneys general of Naples Carlo Alemi and Caltanissetta Roberto Scarpinato, who explained how with the process would be quick to jump for investigations known as Calciopoli and would be at risk also those of the Mafia. It is what the League is concerned. And Berlusconi can not afford to put the last of his many crowns in a shaky because unpopular measure that Napolitano could stop, and that a rejection could well as unconstitutional. As the parallel with "great great great (says Berlusconi) reform of the justice you could not see the link. Especially since the time of the separation of careers, the CSM, the robes of the High Court for trial, for two-thirds majority of the consultation are at least two years, with some double reading and referendum in this policy framework. In two weeks, after two years of promises, the text will arrive in the Council of Ministers. But in the meantime must be solved the case of Rubygate. Yesterday, after the summit at Palazzo Grazioli, the idea seemed to prevail to vote, in view of the trial in Milan, a motion to reaffirm that the prosecutors did not have jurisdiction and would have to pass the papers to the court of Ministers. In the certainty, according Ghedini, at which point the judges should stop. A path that could render unnecessary the jurisdictional dispute over which it is feared that a ruling of ineligibility may fall.
Liana Milella
from "La Repubblica" 23/02/2011


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