Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Draghi al governo: serve più coraggio

"L´Italia stenta da 15 anni, giovani al palo, tasse al top e il federalismo può elevarle". "Azioni riformatrici più coraggiose migliorerebbero le aspettative di imprese e famiglie"

Tre numeri-brivido e una simulazione che incute paura. Davanti a una platea di cambisti, operatori e banchieri riuniti Verona, the governor of the Bank of Italy beats: the growth in Italy 'struggling for fifteen years. " Young people can not find work (30% of unemployed) and those who fail must accept entry wage "still more than a decade to levels below those of the Eighties": "A waste." And again. We are too many taxes, the tax burden "is 3 points above the EU average." As if that were not enough, now you have to deal with the aftermath of the riots in Libya and North Africa: "A 20% increase in the price of oil determines, ceteris paribus, a lower output growth than half a percentage point over three years. " Not cheap for a country that develops barely 1%, in slow motion over its main partners. Mario Draghi law in one breath the 14 folders prepared for the Congress of Forex. The main objective is growth, "he begins. Need for "the most courageous actions of reform to improve the expectations of firms and households and thus give" impetus "to the economy. Necessary "to free the spirit of entrepreneurs and individuals from many constraints." It takes a youth labor market less than a cast: low mobility, too much insecurity. From time to time add some little phrase in the arm. Like when he told the bankers to consider a "compliment" the criticism of too much supervision "suffocating." Or when he calls on institutions immediately to strengthen the capital: "A suggestion: proceed before the stress tests are performed or their results communicated." For the rest s'attiene to written words, weighed to the end, as always happens on this occasion, the second most important agenda of the governor, after the Final at the end of May. Dragons paints a country that has great resources, great business skills and hard-working and thrifty people, but it is harnessed dall'onerosità bureaucracy, especially those leaning against the companies. Complaint an education system - schools and universities - that does not reward merit as it should, while making the gap wider than learning partners, especially in the south. The government asks you to continue along the path of discipline, since there are other ways to reduce the deficit, given the level of taxation. Indeed - here's a novelty - the windfall that may occur with recoveries of evasion "should be used to reduce the pressure on taxpayers who already pay what they owe." Not only that: "having to be able to compensate for increases in the centrally decentralized collection, resulting in fiscal federalism." The attention to the accounts is also important because "an important contribution to the prevention of new crises of sovereign debtors will have to come from the reform of European governance, which will enhance the surveillance of national economic policies. " But tomorrow is young and these are fun. Their condition, "emphasizes dependence, already high by international comparison, the wealth and income of parents is" a strong factor in social inequality. " Contributes to the segmentation of the labor market "where there is the minimum mobility at one extreme and the most precarious of another. 'It's a waste of resources that affect young people and seriously degrades the efficiency of the production system. " From a central banker, also at the top candidate of the ECB, look at real rates in the short "extremely negative" that does not give any boost to the development for the weak countries. Warns - inflazione: quella al consumo, spinta dai rincari delle materie di base, è salita a gennaio oltre «la definizione di stabilità dei prezzi fissata dalla Banca centrale europea».

di Elena Polidori

da "La Repubblica" 27 febbraio 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

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E' pronto l'ostello ristrutturato

Sono in fase di ultimazione i lavori all'ex Ostello della Gioventù di Lucca, sul viale del Brennero. La struttura, nei locali di proprietà della Provincia, ospiterà il nuovo centro di aggregazione e socializzazione per giovani ed associazioni denominato Cantieri Giovani. Un progetto finanziato dall'amministrazione di Palazzo Ducale e dalla Regione. C'è già anche la data di inaugurazione: sabato 26 marzo.   A annunciarlo è l'assessore alle politiche giovanili della Provincia, Mario Regoli, che in questi giorni ha incontrato i giovani del territorio provinciale per presentare una bozza relativa agli atti di indirizzo per il funzionamento degli spazi nell'ex ostello in via del Brennero al numero 673.  Il Cantiere Giovani sarà un luogo aperto e condiviso per lo svolgimento di attività ricreative e culturali.  «I lavori all'ex Ostello sono nella fase di compleamento e sono praticamente terminati. Molto presto questo spazio sarà fruibile ed accessibile - dice l'assessore Regoli - in questi giorni ho incontrato tanti giovani entusiasti di questa opera che abbiamo put among the priorities of our mandate came to an end (a spring vote for the provincial elections ed.). We plan to inaugurate the end of March. Former Youth Hostel will be a reference point for young people, associations, volunteerism and citizenship that will generally benefit from a multi-purpose environment in which to study, participate in cultural and social activities, organize meetings and debates. 'Will be set up among other music rehearsal room, study room, video workshop and an establishment for the used book market and a school counseling for the boys. "We also want to give preference to those proposals made by young people through their empowerment nella gestione degli spazi stessi».   La struttura.  Due sale polivalenti, una sala musica, un laboratorio teatrale, un laboratorio multimediale e un internet-café».

di Nicola Nucci
da "Il Tirreno" 25/02/2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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e le riforme? possiamo aspettare..

In Italia c'è urgenza di riforme, sembra averlo capito anche il Governo e il Presidente del Consiglio.
Naturalmente vista la necessità urgente di cambiare rotta all'Italia the executive search process to focus on short, civil liability of judges and diversity of careers in the judiciary and so on. These should be reforms that would help the Bel (they?) Country to recover.
But the real reforms urged by Confindustria and the Italian people can wait, the first pleasure, then the duty.
Yet the mechanisms to take action to improve are many: Tax reform

_ _ _ Infrastructure Plan small works
Internal Stability Pact
_ _ _
Liberalization Plan Home
_ _ Unlocking the FAS for the plan South

_ _ Civil Justice Innovation and Research

and so on ....

possible that the government need only think of federalism (or you leave the executive or the League), the process quick and other "reform" ad personam?
But the news is so good, we need to instill security in Italian families: rising production and growth of enterprises, combating tax evasion that bears fruit, the opposition parties who falter and fall etc. . and the bad news? the ones on TV do not give it .. this is not propaganda? Oh yes .. among the important reforms I've forgotten the law to gag Rai ..
Italy or will wake up too late ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pharamceutical Calculations

Aumento della corruzione

Federalism, wiretapping bill, a process quick and immunities? maybe we should review the first of three, dealing with the opposition and local governments, while the other three bills that make no sense, projects prepared by parliamentary PDL who remained in the drawer for months if not years. There comes a time during the term, these projects can be useful (who?) To the government and especially the Premier, in this chaos that ultimately affects us Italians.
But at a time of international crisis, the Middle East crisis and loss of image abroad, perhaps it would be better to think of other measures, instead of these four projects? The threshold povertà sta aumentando, le imprese chiudono, i profitti diminuiscono.. urgono provvedimenti seri e immediati, riforme vere e non "scosse" tanto acclamate.

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Arriva la prescrizione "ad personam"

Torna nella stalla il carro del processo breve. Lo stoppa il leghista Roberto Maroni, che teme un contraccolpo troppo forte per i processi e le indagini (con conseguenti proteste della polizia). E la prescrizione breve per salvare Berlusconi dal dibattimento, e dalla probabile condanna per corruzione nel processo Mills, viene spostata su un altro carro, stavolta al Senato, dove la maggioranza non ha problemi di numeri. Sempre prescrizione è (un quarto in meno rispetto ai tempi attuali per chi è incensurato), ma potrebbe ben sposarsi con un ddl come sull'anticorruzione what has long been on the waiting list, sponsored by Pd and Fli, in which it could justify, with a balancing effect, a narrow overall corruption with a "gift" to those who end up being tried for the first time and is clean record (just the premier). Of course, as pointed out by those who know the text, it is a "freight train" because of its complexity, could not be approved quickly. Alternatively, but still in first reading, one might exploit the latest security bill, which is also the Senate, but also a "boxcar." The league, which is not contrary to a provision for the prime minister, provided it has a boomerang effect on other processes, becomes the protagonist of the day. Prior to Palazzo Chigi, where from 9 discusses with Gianni Letta justice reform advocate a people's involvement that goes beyond the mere election of attorneys' fees, then to Palazzo Grazioli, where the group leader in the House Marco Reguzzoni participates in the summit meeting with Berlusconi, Alfano , Ghedini, the leaders of the House and Senate, and they talk about how to resolve the legal problems of the landlord. Umberto Bossi, in the evening, the circle closes and plays the de profundis official immunity, "I am against it. People think that Berlusconi is a bit 'persecuted and would agree only to him, but not for all parliamentarians. " Then Bossi, say sources Carroccio, "does not want to upset to Napolitano." Same reason that has slowed the process shortly. Of course, on storage (temporary) of the process short, the official version of the Keeper of Angelino Alfano is quite another. He argues in Transatlantic, "I do not want at this time to become a break while we are working on constitutional reform." Be a coincidence, but the first few minutes are over, the Justice Committee, the hearings of the attorneys general of Naples Carlo Alemi and Caltanissetta Roberto Scarpinato, who explained how with the process would be quick to jump for investigations known as Calciopoli and would be at risk also those of the Mafia. It is what the League is concerned. And Berlusconi can not afford to put the last of his many crowns in a shaky because unpopular measure that Napolitano could stop, and that a rejection could well as unconstitutional. As the parallel with "great great great (says Berlusconi) reform of the justice you could not see the link. Especially since the time of the separation of careers, the CSM, the robes of the High Court for trial, for two-thirds majority of the consultation are at least two years, with some double reading and referendum in this policy framework. In two weeks, after two years of promises, the text will arrive in the Council of Ministers. But in the meantime must be solved the case of Rubygate. Yesterday, after the summit at Palazzo Grazioli, the idea seemed to prevail to vote, in view of the trial in Milan, a motion to reaffirm that the prosecutors did not have jurisdiction and would have to pass the papers to the court of Ministers. In the certainty, according Ghedini, at which point the judges should stop. A path that could render unnecessary the jurisdictional dispute over which it is feared that a ruling of ineligibility may fall.
Liana Milella
from "La Repubblica" 23/02/2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lumbar Vertebrae More Condition_symptoms

dove è il Governo?

at this time is urgent intervention by the government or simply a specific position, but especially strong coherent Premier Berlusconi, given its friendship with the dictator Gaddafi. It 'impossible to continue in this role play, while hundreds of people die in attacks by mercenaries hired by the Libyan dictator. In this 2011 we are at a turning point for the Arab world, the freedom of the peoples so demand will probably prevail over oppression and dictatorship.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Herpes Back And Chest

Auto in centro storico? no grazie..

A little over a month after the activation of electronic gates are already so many problems emerged.
Given that the ZTL in Lucca existed for several years, with the activation of electronic gates is physically materialized, and this has sparked protests from some of the traders of old town complaining about the decline in customers, with the approval of other residents who defend the measure expected for many years, and finally provoking the response Chiari councilor to reopen park in the square for years won the car.
Well while it Favilla Mayor's proposal to open a table of comparison between administration, citizens and trade associations to find some compromise between the parties, one of which may be eg lo spegnimento dei varchi dalle 18.30 alle 20.30, mi permetto di suggerire altre soluzioni forse più interessanti, sicuramente più a lungo respiro ma conseguenti anche alle scelte prese dal’Amministrazione in questi ultimi anni.
Mi riferisco ad esempio ai nuovi parcheggi a pagamento creati all’esterno delle mura urbane che hanno portato e porteranno sicuramente introiti all’Amministrazione Comunale, ma che a mio avviso dovrebbero essere impiegati per realizzare un servizio di mobilita' sostenibile più efficiente e dinamico.
In pratica significa investire nel trasporto pubblico per migliorare il servizio e renderlo piu' attrattivo per l'utenza, eg using electric shuttle that runs frequently, stops poles electronics that monitor the arrival times of vehicles and creating priority lanes, quickly connecting the park and outside the historic center.
At the same time should be increased in the routes and stops the city lines already in existence, which, unfortunately, in recent years have been reduced and suppressed by the Province, which has worsened dramatically service and thus decreasing the number of users of public services, and whereas' increased use of private vehicles especially on rainy days.
To complete the public transport system, as already used in other European cities, would also set up the bike-sharing, namely the possibility to rent bicycles that are parked in various parts of town, at bus stops and public outdoor parking, which equipped with GPS and electronic combination lock with a simple phone call to a special toll-free number are unlocked and can be used for different movements without having to return where you originally picked.
This investment could be implemented gradually in the long run, but studying with the categories of merchants some form of promotion that rewards those who arrive by bus, you may have an incentive to boost trade and the life of the center.
What certainly not in the near future I hope to see you again remove the gates paid by the citizens of Lucca to reopen the center to the car, because in addition to the waste of public money, would not think about the future of our beautiful city.

Matteo Nardini
Future and Freedom - Lucca

Imagine Disco Punta Cana

Futuro Nazionale, febbraio 2011

the link you find below is the second issue of "National Future", a monthly published online by the Honourable George Earl. On the front page on the left you will find my article on the birth of FLI.
national future, No.2 February 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Whopping Cough More Condition_symptoms Wiki

L' Europa sta decidendo ma Berlusconi non ci pensa

from "La Repubblica" February 14, 2011.
Mario Pirani

Enrico Mentana nights ago on the news of "La7" issued a gossip on 'last European Summit held in Brussels. On this occasion, Merkel and Sarkozy have submitted proposte rivoluzionarie con possibili effetti dirompenti, per soccorrere i paesi dell' Eurozona i quali, comeè già avvenuto per la Grecia e l' Irlanda, dovessero trovarsi ai limiti del fallimento per i loro debiti. Prima il Vertice si era intrattenuto sulla situazione egizianaei convenuti si apprestavano, durante il pranzo, ad affrontare la crisi dell' Euro, quando il premier italiano ha chiesto la parola per annunciare che in un altro paese mediterraneo, oltre che sulle sponde del Nilo, la democrazia era in pericolo. Trattavasi dell' Italia, dove i magistrati avevano usurpato il potere, rinviando le leggi approvate dal Parlamento alla Corte costituzionale, organismo di matrice comunista, perché nominato da presidenti della Repubblica comunisti, and, therefore, prone to the dictates of the "red robes." The comparison between the Italian judiciary and the Muslim Brotherhood is not impressed, however, some of these, fed up with the usual soup Berlusconi, and was not collected in the ante even where the journalists stayed, if they felt that already recite and were eager to learn what was boiling in the pot France and Germany. Yet the director of 'La7' scoop 's really did: he was able to bring out that, beyond any possible refutation, which was the level of interest of our Prime Minister for a story destined to have a strong impact on economic life of 'Europe and' Italia.Visto that the Council has dedicated to 'topic not a word escaped and is also the final press conference, we can say that this position corresponds to absolute zero. However, after many doubts Merkel, Romano Prodi as written quote ("Messenger" 6 / 2), "has begun to understand that it could collapse the 'whole system' s Euro. And started a radical change of direction, accepting the French proposal for a closer coordination of policies ... but imposed the content consistent with the values \u200b\u200band interests of Germany. " Hence a series of virtuous commandments, some of which are also good for us, some are listed without sufficient preparation, others, finally, if that remained intact could cost us tears and blood. No coincidence that the title of Prodi says: "If Germany and France decide everything el 'Italy is silent." Very soon the countries of the 'Eurozone (and that is, not all members of the Union' s but those engaged in "enhanced cooperation") within one year will have to approve the three indicators (such as the famous 3% Maastricht) which set the level debt, and productivity growth and, finally, the percentage of GDP devoted to research, education and infrastructure. These indicators should relate, again within a year, to 'approving six reforms (some concern us, some not) on' indexation of wages, pensions and the recognition of qualifications, a single tax for businesses a constitutional provision on 'public debt, a uniform regime for banking crises. In conjunction with the 'introduction of this economic discipline, would be launched (with a decisive German contribution) a financial saving has been invested by major crises. Among the proposals is to reduce the debt to an annual sum equal to 5% between the 'actual amount of GDP (for us today to 118%) and 60% set in his time in Maastricht. For ottemperarvie not suffer the penalties consequent should save 3% of GDP in the 'year, ie 45 billion euro! But for the 'agenda of the Italian prime minister is more important than dealing with Ruby. The vast majority of citizens, meanwhile, is left to 'obscure. "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do", says the Gospel.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

What Should Cm Look Like Just Before Menstration

E' il momento di cambiare.

This is a great step towards the future, made up of projects and hopes, where the interests of all (I mean just all) the Italians may be taken into account, where every idea, every thought, every criticism will be accepted as an open, fact boxes and elevation of personal culture.
The word "politics" in recent years has lost its meaning: it means more administration, comparison, improvement community but is now just a word that means crime, serve the interests of itself and the people close to the elite.
We are tired of the continuous ad-personam laws and ghostly "shock" the economy which only serve to ward off the backside of a majority government no longer represents the Italian people.
Just today, the word "policy" will change back to its true meaning and value and the original or help the community grow and improve, bringing Italy to grow economically but above all, socially. All this will happen if and only if the politicians will behave consistently and in a transparent manner to his constituents, trying to compare and inspired by every request, from any part of the company arrives.
As for professions, you need a code of ethics for politics, the civil liability that the current government needs a loud voice against the magistrates, should be extended to those who intend to pursue the "noble art of policy ", so that the person take note of their civil and moral responsibilities towards the nation. In fact, any activity requires so much responsibility, morality, as the politician who must answer for their actions in front of sixty million Italians.

and Future Freedom must effectively implement this new "fashion and style" of doing politics; should effectively implement the promises made to voters with useful results to the entire community.
Only in this way approximate that 40% of the population in the last election has defected to the polls.
We recognize our responsibilities and help the country to take effect: what effect that Italy had not tasted for some years, since our representatives in the institutions have stopped making real policy and began to pursue only the mere private interests . Only with your help realize this project that was born today fact of a future and freedom for us, for generations to come for Italy.

Matteo Nardini, Future and Freedom - Lucca

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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Una scossa ad effetto ritardato

Marcegaglia also in addition to the Association of Italy Futura Montezemolo promoted by the new ball "maneuver" of the "shock" (here you can find Article ).
One of my criticism of the operation had already been made yesterday on facebook and this blog.
We'll see if there are further developments.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cervical Cancer' More Condition_symptoms

La "scossa" in verità è un piano a medio-lungo termine

Click on image to enlarge

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sorority Initiation Fotos

Italia 150...

click on article to enlarge it, leave a comment and say what you think.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

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il ritorno dello statista..