Monday, November 9, 2009

Where Is The Restaurant In Poptropica

The Morning Light - My soundtrack

Hello people, I am here today to present another musical group Emerging Sicily.
seems like this is my research has been penetrated only in the island of Sicily, but is not so.
Today I just said something of The Morning Light , a band that plays alternative music, a lethal mix of various kinds, which can not certainly be explained by my poor words.
I would first like to thank the guys for giving me the opportunity to use their tracks for the resolution of my videos, which you can see here .
This is just a brief introduction to this band, which has made a choice very rare here in Italy, has chosen to license their songs to the Creative Commons.
Many of you will wonder what it is, click here to find out.
To be brief, but concise, I can say that the CC (Creative Commons) is a type of license that allows totally free, which is rare especially in Italy, you can freely use the songs of artists who decide to adopt to protect their jobs.
The rules are simple:

1) The songs of artists with 3.0 license, such as The Morning Light, can not be used for commercial purposes: (you can not, ad esempio, utilizzare le loro canzoni come sottofondo ad un corto, masterizzare i CD e venderli.

2) In qualsiasi modo (non commerciale) utilizzaste brani con licenza 3.0, bisogna sempre citare la paternità dell'opera.

3) E' preferibile contattare sempre il gruppo, in particolar modo se italiano, e chiedere loro cosa ne pensano del vostro eventuale utilizzo dei loro lavori.

Questa è la vera libertà, questo è The easiest way to get publicity ... SIAE Copyright and may now be considered past!
The future is the Creative Commons also ... My blog is protected by the CC and no one can copy content in it, if not citing the source, that's me!

Domenico Presutto


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