Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Adult Winks For Messenger

From August to November every Friday, Saturday and Sunday

A fascinating new way to experience the excavations of Pompeii at night. "The Moons of Pompeii," the visitor wants to revive a past civilization through multimedia technologies, light, sound and the evocative power of the Moon.

The course, with entrance from Piazza Anfiteatro, part of the necropolis of Porta Nocera, continues with a visit to the House of the Garden of Hercules, also known as the House of Perfume, continues because of Abundance, dwelling in houses Loreio Tiburtino, Venus in the Shell and Giulia Felice and ends in the beautiful setting of the Amphitheatre with a play of light.
Seven large bright moons will mark the route and the stops, creating a dream: Death of the Moon, Moon of Success, The Mythical Moon, Moon of Life, the Moon is not there, the Moon and Illegal the Moon having fun, are the reasons driving the story goes, mythology and the secrets of Pompeii. Infine, l’ Anfiteatro, tra gli anfiteatri più antichi e meglio conservati al mondo. Accoglieva oltre 20.000 spettatori che assistevano ai combattimenti tra gladiatori e belve feroci.

“Le Lune di Pompei” è una iniziativa organizzata dall’Ente Provinciale del Turismo di Napoli, co-finanziata dalla Regione Campania, Assessorati al Turismo e ai Beni Culturali, con Fondi POR (2007-2013), in collaborazione con la Soprintendenza Archeologica di Napoli e Pompei e con il Comune di Pompei.

Dal 6 Agosto al 6 Novembre 2009 ogni venerdì, sabato e domenica
Dal 7 al 16 Agosto tutte le sere

Ingresso: Excavations at Pompeii - Piazza Anfiteatro

Reservation - free - is mandatory
Booking online: www.lelunedipompei.it

start of the event: one hour after sunset (departure groups every 20 minutes)
Journey time: 70 minutes (comfortable shoes are recommended)

Cost of the tour: 20 €
Holders Campania> Artecard: 14 €
Special price for families (2 adults + 2 children under 16 years) 40 €
Special rates for groups: (+ 30 persons) 18 €; (+70 persons) 16 €

Personal audio system for guided-language (English)


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