Saturday, November 21, 2009

City Clerk Queens, Ny

Over 200 marriages per year celebrated in the Sanctuary. Trend growth is already available for 2011

Over 200 marriages celebrated every year at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii. The unioni, in costante crescita dal 2006, sono state circa 230 nel 2008, pari al 20 per cento in più rispetto all’anno precedente. Stesso trend è previsto nel 2009. Per lo più (l’80 per cento) si tratta di matrimoni concordatari: quelli solo religiosi non superano il 20 per cento. Le richieste per sposarsi nel Santuario arrivano da ogni parte d’Italia, talvolta anche dall’estero, e l’attesa per pronunciare il “sì” a Pompei può durare anche più di un anno: sono già in prenotazione, infatti, le date per sposarsi nel 2011. La città di Pompei, dunque, si propone come una vetrina di grande interesse per quei settori del Made in Italy che, tra artigianato e servizi, guardano carefully at weddings and the housing needs of the couple.

Pompeii Expo 2009, the event scheduled from November 28 to December 8 in the exhibition area of \u200b\u200bthe sanctuary, inspired by the themes of marriage and home, to enhancing the national creativity, but especially Bell, who became famous in the world the "Marriage Italian Style".

In Campania the number of marriages is 5.5 marriages per thousand inhabitants in the province of Naples, 6, 5.6 and 5 of those, respectively, of Caserta and Salerno, in Italy the index is 4, 2 per thousand (Istat, 2007). These data are significant considering that in Italy for wedding fatturano quasi 6 miliardi di euro all’anno. Anche se il costo medio di un matrimonio, pari a circa 27mila euro, è cresciuto del 6 per cento rispetto al 2008 (dati Federconsumatori, 2009) il settore non appare in crisi.
Sono quattro, invece, gli atelier campani che, nel corso dell’esposizione, presenteranno le nuove collezioni wedding dresses, wedding symbol par excellence of Italian style. The 5 and 7 December, also will parade the catwalk creations D'Auria of the Sisters of Pompei and the designer of Torre del Nunzio Russo Greek.

As for favors, all-Italian wedding tradition, among the most sought after are the Capodimonte porcelain, but will not miss Pompeii Expo 2010 preview of the collections of prestigious national brands working with glass.

Even after "the wedding ceremony the prevailing passion for taste and Italian design: for example, in furniture, where stand the sober and inspired by the classic, but also in the field of honeymooners. "Increasingly, the choice falls on a cruise - said Emilio La Scala, MSC Cruises - because it is a complete journey and also culturally rich. Our fleet exports all over the world, the Italian Style, from furniture to kitchen, up to the seating arrangements in the theater on board ship, all references to the traditions and habits of life in Italy. "


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