Friday, November 6, 2009

How Much Does Ohio Driver's License Cost?

Competition COP15 - Rate this video Domenico Domenico Presutto

Friday, November 6, 2009.
Now you vote for the video game of the "Raise Your Voice", which translates in Italian means "feel your voice. "
In this contest I talked about it already in some previous post, but still hint of what it is if I want, rightly, ask you to help me win.
Then, the December 15, 2009 will be held in Copenhagen COP15, the largest environmental conference of all time.
There will be attended by world leaders, and YouTube, now the greatest force for freedom of expression on the web, has induced a contest for its members.
We have been asked to mount a video dedicated to the protection of the environment and I da buon samaritano, non mi sono fatto scappare questa occasione!
Il premio non è in denaro, ma ciò che è stato messo in palio è semplicemente la possibilità di essere presente alla conferenza e mostrare al mondo intero il proprio lavoro.
Ho montato il video utilizzando una bella canzone e creando un contrasto netto tra il tempo di creazione della terra e il tempo che noi, il massimo potenziale evolutivo di questo pianeta, abbiamo impiegato a distruggere tutto.
Allora, se volete aiutarmi a vincere e volare verso Copenhagen, aprite un'altra scheda del vostro browser cliccando col tasto destro sul link below and choosing the menu item "Open link in new tab".

page appears, as shown by the image below, click on Vote.

page appears, type in the box "Search for a specific video," My name, that is: Domenico Presutto as shown in the picture.

wrote my name, click on "Go" as shown below.

Now you should see the my video titled: Change ourself, save the planet. With the hope that I like, I ask you to share my posts and follow my last statement: Click on the thumb upward as shown in the latter image.

The planet is in crisis, it's up to us young people to change the destiny of it. Do not forget this date: December 15, 2009 ... could be the day when this will begin to rise again our civilization. We become involved in the history of our planet, we change and save it!

Domenico Presutto


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