Thursday, May 6, 2010

What State Is Myammee From


Starts May 7th the new paths of sound and light

Casts of the fugitives, reconstructions and an encounter with an ancient Pompeian
begins May 7 - and continues every weekend until the end October - the new expanded and enriched version of "The Moons of Pompeii ', the exciting night tour of lights, sounds and voices within the excavation site of Pompeii. The initiative, organized by the Provincial of Naples, supported by the Campania Region is part of the circuit Campania> Artecard and is part PompeiViva made by Marcello Fiori, Deputy Commissioner for the emergence of the archaeological site of Pompeii and Naples.

"After the success of summer 2009 - said Dario Scalabrini, director of the Provincial Tourism in Naples, which financed and built the initiative - this year we propose an extended version and enriched with new contents and effects. A show even more impressive organized in collaboration with the Commissioner of Pompeii, which has jumped at the potential for attraction to a different audience than would normally choose to visit traditional. " "The night-time tours to enrich the experience of the archaeological knowledge, recalling the atmosphere of antiquity also for those who already know gli scavi - continua Scalabrini - .Si affiancheranno, quindi, ad altre importanti iniziative realizzate da Fiori che renderanno viva Pompei antica anche di notte per tutta l’estate, con spettacoli, concerti, danza, rappresentando uno dei fiori all’occhiello della nostra offerta turistica e culturale”. "La visita notturna di Pompei - sottolinea Marcello Fiori, commissario delegato per l’emergenza di Pompei - consente di scoprire un diverso e affascinante volto della città e completa le occasioni di conoscenza di questo straordinario patrimonio culturale".

Tante le novità di questa nuova edizione come la visita all’Orto dei Fuggiaschi dove si trovano i calchi più conosciuti dell’area archeologica Pompey, the virtual reconstruction of the ancient city from just inside the walls, new stages on Via Abundance encounter with a curious character who will accompany visitors on this special journey, where the light takes shape as the words, graffiti, people. Continue to the Garden of the fugitives, with the Moon of Hope, which receives a voice telling us of the tragedy. The bodies poured out, bent, the pain returned last heartbreaking longing. We then walks away to Abundance, but before you arrive at what was the most animated of Pompeii, the group enters the home of the perfumer, Via Nocera, famous for the large yard where they were grown very valuable species, illuminated by the moon Success.
Crossing the aqueduct built by the famous architect Domenico Fontana who, having had the chance to dig for so many months and mythical ancient Pompeii, as a voiceover says, had the misfortune to never acknowledge the ancient city buried Vesuvius. Once on Via Abundance
another novelty, a curious character will help the public understand some of the graffiti, aided by video projections that will return the translation.
We proceed along the road to visit some of the most beautiful domus. The first is the home of Ottavio Quartione where, they say, were held rituals dedicated to Isis: slowly lights up the elegant with the outer peristyle garden, underlined by the reflections of the water with the Moon euripi of Life. Every detail of his villa now has a new light, while a voiceover describes details and functions. Finally, we show the cell Iliaca, with its elegant frescoes.
is accessed then the house of Venus in the Shell, where he slowly looks the beautiful view of the large painting in the bottom of the garden, in the light of the Moon Mystery. Soon after we continue with the Moon is not to the Amphitheatre, where you enter through the grand entrance leading to the arena. Two large synchronized projections of images of public and sporty cheering alternate with other early modern, to remind us that the way to have fun in those places in the past was not very different from what we live today: the Moon having fun.

paths will continue until the end of October.
From August 6 to 22 open every evening (except Tuesdays).
input from the ruins of Pompeii - Piazza Anfiteatro
information, bookings and calendar
tel. + 39 081 1930 3885 (Tues / Sun, 10 am - 20)
fax + 39 081 19308787 - \u200b\u200bTop
paths an hour after sunset (departure groups every 20 minutes)
Journey time 70 minutes (comfortable shoes are recommended)
E 'absolutely necessary to book (free)
Cost of the visit € 20
Holders Campania> Artecard
Special Price € 14 for families (2 adults + 2 children under 16 years) 40 €


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