Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fishstick South Park Streaming

Pompei - Scavi, no alla privatizzazione

Yesterday, May 24th, 2010 at 18, the Movement of Young Onset went to Pompeii to protest against the privatization of one of the best known in the art heritage world's archaeological excavations.
"The excavations of Pompeii - explains the reference to Young Onset Gianpaolo Schirani - have always been a public good and we will fight to keep them that way. The Minister of Culture Bondi proposed to entrust the archaeological site to a foundation formed by private bodies , including many banks, which certainly did not they would act altruistically. We also know that today all The banks are the bearers of the interests of the North, while our assets must be assets of this region and its people. "
Society, private sector and various politicians have nothing to do with the history of our origins. - Oscar De Simone says archaeologist insurgent - They with their marketing and their business would be even more lethal for Pompeii Vesuvius, who by dint of quell'eruzione of 79 AD, however, preserved the bodies and memories of a city today is the subject of more accurate studies on the history and classical art. "
The insurgents staged a leafleting in front of the archaeological site in the name of large colored posters with the written SALE, which was carpeted the entrance of the excavations, and slogans like "Do not speculate about the culture!", "Art not privatization: it is all", "Privatization does not mean good management," " Pompei not reburied with your money! "," rise up against the privatization. "


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