Saturday, May 22, 2010

Silver City In Ottawa

excavations of Pompeii, Casa della Fontana Piccola: completed the restoration of the mural depicting a scene of seascape



Authorized to accommodate about 1800 spectators (eta 'Augustan it could accommodate about 5,000), the theater built in the second century. BC uses the natural slope for the construction of the seating (auditorium), at horseshoe-shaped, divided into three zones, of which the lower (IMA auditorium), covered with marble, was reserved for the settlers and prominent citizens. Stage and the stage - decorated with marble and statues - in brickwork, dating back to the restoration of 62 AD, after the earthquake. In ancient 'you are representing the Atellanae, but also the comedies of Plautus and Terence, mimes and pantomimi.dopo years of decay and neglect that have made episodic and discontinuous activity'.

Co this last major restoration was carried out a series of targeted interventions that have finally provided the stage for proper lighting, adequate accommodation, signage, barriers and protections that have been built or restored nel pieno rispetto delle norme sulla conservazione dei beni artistici. Agli spettatori, accolti nella bellezza di un luogo unico al mondo e con venti secoli di storia, verra' quindi proposto un impianto scenico appositamente realizzato, accanto alla comodita' dei moderni servizi.

Soddisfatto il commissario Fiori, ''particolarmente grato al maestro Muti per aver accettato di inaugurare con uno speciale concerto il restaurato Teatro Grande, in una serata che si annuncia storica per la rinascita della vita di Pompei''. Dal canto suo il neo sovintendente del San Carlo, Rosanna Purchia, spiega cosi' la scelta di inaugurare con il maestro Muti e la sua orchestra giovanile la collaborazione con il teatro Grande degli Scavi di Pompei: ''vogliamo dare a message of positivity 'and confidence to the younger generation.''

''I particularly care about this aspect of the cultural mission of any company, even more of a theater like ours, a symbol of a vision of art that becomes a vehicle with maestro Muti a strong message to young people and sincere talent - adds the extent that - I sincerely thank the teacher for his time ', that only great artists have, and that strengthens the bond with our theater, strengthened by his happy return in 2007 after a long and painful period of separation . There are many projects that will share in the coming years, and especially the unique vision of music that is a cultural center, educational and aggregation to those who faces in this world for the first time.'' ''The reopening and returning to the world of the Grand Theatre and the archaeological site of Pompeii 'a fact of extraordinary importance - says Muti - this event is part of the process of revival of cultural life in Naples and Campania, which means its institutions, primarily the Teatro di San Carlo, aims to transmit to future generations the knowledge of the ancient Neapolitan tradition. It 's only through the reappropriation of its deep roots, which may Naples' claim the bright future that awaits and deserves.''

The concert by maestro Muti offers a program of music of the great classical repertoire: dall'Ouverture-Fantasia 'Romeo and Juliet' to Tchajkovskij, Stravjnskij of the Firebird (Suite 1919). Closed with the magnificent Fifth Symphony in C minor, Op.67 Beethoven. The advance sales have already 'opened.

For information and reservations: Teatro di San Carlo, tel. 081.7972331/412 ( and pre-authorized regular.


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