Friday, February 19, 2010

Lymphoma Treatment More Condition_symptoms

di Gaetano Bonelli

Far conoscere le finalità filantropiche e la gloriosa storia del Rotary International. Con questo spirito il libraio antiquario Carlo Regina, ha dato vita ad una raccolta di preziosi cimeli e curiosità inerenti la storia rotariana. Figlio del rotariano P.H. Comm. Luigi (R. C. Napoli) decano dei librai napoletani e tra i massimi esperti di libri antichi, Carlo Regina diventa socio fondatore del R.C. Pompei south. Since then the love for the prestigious fellowship he inherited from his father, becomes a reason for further efforts, almost a mission. So begins a piece by piece, to take shape the collection of wonders Rotary through which you can take an exciting journey to discover the most unusual and fascinating aspects of this worthy association.
Accordingly, the Rotary Club Pompei south, in the person of the President, Gen. John Albano, under the auspices of the Governor Mr. Francis Sociable, sought to give life to the show "Rotary in history "to be held May 15, 2010 in the splendid nineteenth-theater environments Di Costanzo - Mattiello of Pompeii. The event will use the highest patronage, from the Presidency of the Republic, that of the Rotary Foundation, the help of all the territorial authorities. The initiative, by order of Rotarian Charles Queen, not only has an array of cultural, but will be characterized by virtue of the noble tradition of the association, for its social ends. For the occasion was established a sort of lottery proceeds will be donated to the Rotary Foundation. The same Queen, intended to donate the five original etchings Eighteenth century, which will be awarded to lucky ticket holders extracts. In its wake, a number of prestigious companies have sought to enrich the list of prizes that will be raffled off during the ceremony. Among the others at the moment, but the contacts are still in progress, included in one-run work of Maestro Franco Gracchus, a 'work of Maestro Gian Duffy, a painting depicting a view of Naples and 5 exclusive items in the collection Voyage Pittoresque, and a jewel in coral Maestro Ascione 's company of the same name. The initiative has already received the acclaim of the highest authorities of the Rotary District 2100 Italy, most likely will get a booth at the Congress Montreal International, which will exhibit the most significant relics in the collection. In order not to waste the sacrifices being made to find everywhere these rarities, the Queen would like to create a museum of memories to be implemented in its area Rotary District 2100.


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