Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Communication Word Art

Il sito archeologico, si aggiunge come eccellenza del patrimonio storico italiano, alla raccolta dei “luoghi simbolo” dei diversi paesi.
Pompei è il primo sito archeologico al mondo visibile in Street view.

Grazie alla collaborazione tra il Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, attraverso la Direzione Generale per la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale, e Google Italy sono ora disponibili a tutti le immagini panoramiche di Pompei su Street View, il servizio di Google Maps che consente agli utenti 360 ° to navigate the streets of cities around the world, including tourist and artistic wonders of Italy.
Under this partnership, now anyone can make a virtual tour and explore the magnificent ruins of two magnificent Roman cities, as well as their rich villas buried by the Vesuvius eruption of 24 August 79 AD The two centers have been fascinating progressively excavated and made accessible to the public until the mid-eighteenth century. Now I'm just a simple click of a mouse.

Commenting on the launch, Mario Resca - Director General for the promotion of cultural heritage MiBAC - said: "The ability to walk virtually through the wonders of Pompeii, offered for free to millions of users around the world, represents a unique promotional vehicle for the Italian tourism and an incentive for many potential tourists to come in person to visit the archaeological excavations. Not to mention that, thanks to Google technology, our treasures of art can count on an eternal witness.
Increasingly the development of cultural heritage - continues Resca - is linked to new tools for promotion and communication. The agreement between Google and MiBAC therefore represents a "perfect marriage" between two leading actors in the world: Google for web and new technologies, we both quantity and quality of capital Cultural
" The Italian cultural and artistic heritage is among the most important and valued in the world, a resource that can now reach and enrich billions of people through Internet - Carlo d'Asaro Biondo concludes, Vice President SeeMee Google. We are pleased that the Ministry of Heritage and Culture Italian has decided to support us in this project and share the value of the Internet as a tool for development of our country. The digitization of the archaeological site of Pompeii through Street View is a first important step to further disseminate the history and culture of our country. " What

Street View Street View is a Google Maps service that lets you explore various cities around the world through panoramic photographs taken at street level. To access the pictures, just click on "Street View" on Google Maps and drag the little man with the yellow on the road section concerned. E 'can move up and down the streets and even rotate the view 360 degrees. Street View is suitable for many uses: to choose the perfect place for a special event, find the nearest pub, choose the best restaurant for a dinner with friends, or, if you are looking for home, you can see in advance the 'property and the surrounding area and to avoid wasting time. With Street View you can see the hotel or holiday home before you book, and explore various tourist destinations around the world.

Watch the map while walking among the ruins of Pompeii>>>


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