Friday, February 19, 2010

Little Pet Shop Clip Art

Discoveries 'live', visits media, the summer season of the Grand Theatre, trails for cyclists and children, open the 'Archeoristorante. All the latest from the 2010 program presented by the Commissioner BIT of Milan Marcello Fiori

'Pompeii living' is a slogan, a program for the archaeological area in 2010, a slogan that means: knowledge, preservation, promotion of a of the most impressive archaeological sites in the world. Shipyards event where you can watch the archeological discoveries 'live', media visits, a summer season of prestigious shows in the restored Grand Theatre, night walks, thematic routes for cyclists, children, exhibitions, a archeroristorante to taste flavors from Campania doc There are so many new program created by the Commissioner for the archaeological site of Pompeii Marcello Fiori and the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Naples and Pompeii, which are changing the face of excavations, more usable and accessible. ''If Pompeii is an emotion ... Pompeiviva is an exclamation of joy - Flowers said that the program of activities presented at BIT Milan 2010, the stand of the Campania Region, with the Head of Tourism Riccardo Marone - Pompeii the memory of a tragedy but also a living city, which still tells herself, her abitanti e il suo vivere quotidiano attraverso gli oggetti, i dipinti, le architetture. Una città che produce vino dalle proprie fertili vigne e cibo dai propri orti. Una città dove presto torneranno, grazie al restauro del teatro, le diverse forme di espressione artistica già presenti e importanti in epoca romana. Le botteghe torneranno a rianimarsi. Il fremito della vita tornerà a percorrere le strade e le piazze. Pompei – sottolinea Fiori – è una città che parla il linguaggio universale dell’uomo e dei suoi valori, che non smette di insegnarci l’indistruttibile lezione della sua storia e che non smette di emozionare i nostri cuori. Queste sono le ragioni del nostro lavoro e del nostro massimo impegno. Ecco perché oggi insieme desideriamo esclamare: “Pompeiviva – Viva Pompei”.
IL PRIMO CANTIERE EVENTO DI POMPEI: LA DOMUS DEI CASTI AMANTI DA FEBBRAIO - Dopo lo straordinario successo dell’anteprima di San Valentino, apre al pubblico di Pompei una delle Domus più belle della città antica. Casa di un ricco panettiere, la Domus dei Casti Amanti è così chiamata per il pannello decorativo che raffigura il bacio innocente di due innamorati. Riportata alla luce nel 1987, non è mai stata accessibile al pubblico. Un sistema di passerelle sospese permette oggi di vedere, perfettamente conservati, il forno della panetteria, le due stalle con scheletri animali, un giardino fedelmente ricostruito e meravigliosi affreschi and mosaics. The visitors experience in direct work of archaeologists and restorers, thanks to a transparent tunneling that allows the public to share the fascination of discovery with the technicians.

FROM JUNE TO SEPTEMBER - After 15 months of work, the Teatro Grande in Pompeii will shine again thanks to the sounds of more than 2,000 seats and partnerships with leading cultural institutions including the Southern Theater San Carlo in Naples and the Naples Theatre Festival. The Grand Theatre, one of the oldest theaters in Europe, combines historical memory and technology at the service of culture. It opens in June with a billboard and a wide range of cultural summer full of events as in Pompeii.

POMPEI BY NIGHT OF APRIL - Inauguration of the season from April night in Pompeii with routes and dedicated events. From April rekindle Moons of Pompeii, visit the show with a new course organized by the Ente Provinciale per il Turismo of Naples. From June, the permanent lighting of the excavation will be the hallmark of the night life of Pompeii. The streets light up, the gardens come alive Domus giving visitors a new vision, including summer walks after sunset and adventures of rare beauty. Among these, the night of amateur astronomers, August 10, the night of San Lorenzo, with exceptional guides.

FROM APRIL - A new feature of 2010, including Pompeii by bike: From Piazza Anfiteatro to the Villa dei Misteri last active a path a path of about 4 km which allows tourists to stop at picnic areas and places that reveal unforgettable views of Vesuvius and the excavations. The experience is recommended for everyone, including non-professionals. E 'possible to rent bicycles on site. Easy Pompeii, is rather a journey lasting two hours facing the visitors with reduced mobility but also for families with small children. Everyone can walk among the ancient insulae in Pompeii and take advantage of the archaeological heritage in an easy and practicable. Admission the route is from the Piazza Anfiteatro. Finally, it was developed the way arts, crafts and professions: walking through the ruins you can deepen the commercial life of ancient Pompeii on the news meeting the workshops of arts and traditional crafts, such as the manufacture of oil lamps, the House of the Perfumer the nursery and found some shops to the ancient work, like that, very special, the manufacturer of mats.

May - Made by the experts of IDIS - Città della Scienza, offering a range of original activities for children and their families moments of cultural growth through the game. All activities are held at Casa Pacific near the ticket office in Piazza Anfiteatro. Among the laboratories: modeling of ceramics, the Pompeian red, an exciting simulated archaeological dig, tools and numeracy in the past; Volcanology.

POMPEII FOR SCHOOL TO MARCH - educational exhibition "Pompeii AD 24 August 79 AD" The exhibition, held at Piazza Anfiteatro, reconstructs the eruption in 79 AD and the destruction of Pompeii. An educational tour aimed at raising the younger audience, edited by seismologists and volcanologists from the Italian Civil Protection Department and the Vesuvius Observatory.
A "seismic vibrating table" allows you to experience a simulation of the earthquake.
FROM FEBRUARY - Concerts and ballet of the Teatro di San Carlo in the Auditorium. Pompeii opens its auditorium for concerts and ballet of the Teatro di San Carlo. A series of events intended for all students is proposed to describe the music and dance in the days of Pompeii. The Choir sings fables of Aesop, the brass ensemble playing "What a beautiful noise" and the School of Ballet stages the most famous fairy tales with "In the world of fairy tales." The shows are combined with a visit

FROM JUNE - The relationship between history and science of civilization, protection of biodiversity and food culture is the key knowledge for understanding the cultural and territorial origins of a people. Pompeii rediscovered the taste of the ancient world: sales, catering, wine tasting and serving, thanks to an agreement with the Campania Region, reach their ArcheoRistorante housed in a charming Casina Aquila, an important property of the late eighteenth century with panoramic terraces Vesuvius and broad view on the ruins and the sea. The collection of gourmet recipes from Roman times, the products of excellence in the tradition of our region offers the visitor a thrilling journey through time and the food culture of the Romans.

the BIT was presented a preview of a promotional film of 2.50 minutes, starring a girl who runs la città antica e nel quale vi è anche l’immagine della nascita di un neonato, simbolo del ritorno alla vita di Pompei.

fonte dati:
Soprintendenza speciale per i beni archeologici di Napoli e Pompei


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