Friday, April 30, 2010

Medications Gallbladder Polyps

The Teatro San Carlo for the schools auditorium of Pompeii

1° maggio: 1 euro per 1 museo nei luoghi statali della cultura

Medications For Gallbladder Polyps


Scavi di Pompei, Casa della Fontana Piccola: concluso il restauro del Dipinto murale raffigurante una scena di paesaggio marittimo

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Darmowy Serwer Ftpmysql

Google and MiBAC together to give everybody the chance to see Pompeii, with Street View

Splendida domus venuta alla luce nel 1987 e da allora never visited Opens permanently to the public 'event site' of the House of the Chaste Lovers, beautiful domus came to light in 1987 and since then never visited. Thanks to a tunneling 'transparent' visitors to Pompeii can watch 'live' to the work of archaeologists and restorers walking on wide walkways safely enjoy the view of the entire insula clear set: it is' was thus created in short time the project archaeologist Antonio Varone, director of the excavations of Pompeii. Shipyard - educational event Chaste Lovers Visit Italian Italian English

13.00 15.00 17.00 Italian Italian

reservations required
Monday to Friday 9:00 to 18:00 Saturday
9:00 to 14:00
the number 199 104 114 - Mobile +39 06 39967850 from abroad and

Marine Corps Motorcycle Helmet

"Viva Pompeii" , a new way to visit the archaeological site of Pompeii

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Kates Playground Stawberry


And it is the sea, then returns;
escape and reflection.
And the sun, which then adorned
the slightest emotion.
Napule is love and confusion;
the silence that makes noise.
Napule is the joy of a sigh,
that even today is still alive.
Napule is the certainty in the heart,
that fortifies my pride
denied by those who have previously
knowledge stole from us.
Napule is to be discriminated against,
often offended and even hated.
thing then I want to say;
Napule is not a pizza or a mandolin,
Napule is not o 'Burdello or the casino ...
Among the people watching us with disdain,
no passion there is in the chest,
that could even minimal food
living soul or intellect grade.
There are those among the Nordic countries hoped that Vesuvius erupts.
fools, still have not figured
that God created some time before their land,
without love and not even pretty ...
error But there was a remedy:
between campaigns and dubious life
implanted thick fog.
Napule is how to understand what life is;
a loved one and infinite.

Domenico Presutto

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ottawa Movies Silver City

Rotary on display at Pompeii and then Montreal


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Homemade Small Motorboat

Photo Shoot Mystic ray. "

say that now I'm really into ...
Taking pictures is a passion that I had always hoped to express, but fact of life, I never managed to do so.
is my other shots, I gathered in a report entitled: Mystic ray , as the name I gave to the first picture you will find.
Although these images are protected by Creative Commons, and those who were to use should always cite the source, that what I am the author.
Violators will be punished according to Italian law relating to copyright.
To see more photos just click on it.

Photo Shoot Mystic ray. "

Mystic ray


Grey line

Reflex in the window

Past and tecnologies

Clouds and sky


Lookin' back



Creative Commons License
Mystic ray by Domenico Presutto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution -Share Alike 2.5 Italy License .

Domenico Presutto

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pokemon Shiney Silver

Skylines - My first photo shoot

E 'for some time now that I am delighting in taking pictures at sunset and other landscapes with my camera (compact) and I must say that I'm so passionate and soon I will buy a better camera in order to further improve the quality and professionalism images derived from my shots.
Monday, April 5 I spent a wonderful day in Caserta, where I saw breathtaking landscapes with therefore I could not help but to shoot and shoot until the entire pack of batteries is sold out ...
Well, I think we should now only show my work, stating that these works have my Creative Commons license, I salute you and wish you a good day.

Artistic Clouds

Green Trees

Long View


No Color



Sacre Candles



Yellow Sunset