Friday, July 24, 2009

What Does Cervical Fluid Look Like Before Period

Figuracce all'italiana

Again, yet another would say, He who is equal to the average level of culture and education of our people ...
Dear Silvio, it is possible that your mind on your gray, your neurons, we have not communicated with each other to say:
"Hey, there is the German chancellor is also waiting for you ... a lady, let's not wait!"
I do not understand how people really trust this guy, I really can not conceive how the boys so much admire in a person's life has a past ... like her!
Beppe Grillo calls the psychodwarf ... I really do not know how to define an individual like this ...
(I suspensive many points actually come from the fact that I do not know what to write about this person, I do not know whether to send him to that country or whether, with almost sorry for him, simply tell the future).
G20, April 2009.
Our Premier arriving by car. Waiting for him, according to protocol, there is Merkel, German chancellor.
Our dear Prime Minister gets out, looks sweet lady and motioned him to wait ...
was on the phone!
Meanwhile other guests arrive, the Merkel expects other moments later, impatient, says something to journalists and enters ...

Here's a video from YouTube channel Thunder 8500 ,
showing the pitiful event.

* I would like to point out that at the end of the video you hear a voice say,
con tono e accento tipicamente partenopeo:
"Che figur e m...!"

L'umiliazione più grande è proprio quella di dover essere rappresentati da questo individuo...
Non capisco come il nostro popolo non apra gli occhi per capire chi davvero ha di fronte!
Comunque, il G20 continua...
Foto di gruppo...
Le maggiori personalità of the globe, a pleasant, quiet, and suddenly
like a bolt from the blue, the voice of our Silvio bursts into the room, shouting:
"Mr. Obama!"
Addressing the President of the U.S. ...
The Queen of England, annoyed, says,
"But why should scream?"
Everyone laughs ...

Here's the video showing the 'nth and
disheartening Italian fool!
Video taken from YouTube channel fabioturone and
taken in turn from the site of Corriere della Sera.

This we have and we should keep ...
I'm not there, you?
Let me know what you think of the Cavalier Berlusconi ...

Domenico Presutto


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