Sunday, July 19, 2009

Liver Failure Causes More Condition_symptoms

Fumare nuoce gravemente alla salute...e mangiare?

How many times some of our acquaintance have told us:
"Do not smoke, it hurts ".
We believe that the percentage of mathematics and statistics, are always on our side.
"Is it possible that among the millions, even billions, of people who smoke, the cancer should take me?".
Today, smoking a cigarette, is seen as a bad thing, a mistake, a self harm, but no, just nobody comes to say how much it hurts to eat .. .
There seems to be possible, right?
The problem is not eating, but in the quality of what we eat, the things that should not be present in our food, things that the very nature has not created; waste of human greed.
In Italy, our most beautiful country, we have the ability to change any name, name, noun, in another more pleasant to hear, more altosonante or less full of negativity. And then, like magic, the blind became "blind" scavengers "ecological operators", the hantichappati " disabled and otherwise, so as not to change this practice we gained , also incinerators become with ease: " incinerators.
And here's how the word becomes a lethal weapon ...
How can we be so blind? ... ops, sorry, "the blind?".
Thermo-enhancing V s . Ash ... not a clash of the ...
As if a criminal came into the bank and said:
"Stop, this is a withdrawal compulsory and forced the entire sum of cash kept in your own, welcoming so well, safes .
At that point, the bank manager, looking serene and smiling face, answer :
"Please, here are the keys, go ahead."
Italy so it works now for over twenty years ...
We, the poor, and especially ignorant citizens, we remain silent, as if enraptured by the wonderful way of talking to some people, the incredible ability that the leaders of our country to put ...
I incinerators would generate, incinerating our waste, energy, which should then be used by us Italians.
The only problem is that there is this: the energy used to incinerate our " rubbish", is higher than that obtained from the combustion phase the same .. .
In a company where costs are above the entrance, the manager tries to decodificare la situazione e trarne una soluzione.
In Italia le cose non vanno in questo modo...
Il problema di cui volevo parlarvi, è questo: dai nostri cari e inutili " termovalorizzatori ", fuoriescono della particella, nano-particelle di metalli: ferro, alluminio, titanio, e chi più ne ha più ne metta.
Questa nano-particelle, non essendo biodegradabili , se inalate o ingerite, restano nel nostro organismo ...per quanto tempo?
I can only tell you that we will bring in the grave ...
In all the products we eat, because the raw materials come from areas where it could not miss the ' altosonante presence of a " incinerator " , you can find these now ubiquitous nano-particles of metals.
many politicians in the past, like dear Umberto Veronesi, almost shouted to the world how these particles were harmless to human beings.
pity that the researches of Dr . Montanari and Dr . Ssa Cats , we reported results completely opposite, putting almost ridiculous in the same Veronesi.
We, meanwhile, slept ...
Veronesi established in 2003, the foundation that bears his name for the same food for cancer research ... you know what the weird thing?
One of the three foundations of "The future of science ", World Conference on research, is the very foundation of Veronesi and between the partners it would include companies such as Enel, Acea and Veolia Environnement ; companies involved, as well as water supply, including production of energy through the ' incineration and waste treatment.
What must say the water-carrier of their water?
not I think I should extend on this subject ...
This is our country and that we hold, for now, until the majority of people will open their eyes not only see but also to watch. Although I believe that day is near.

to see a video in which the Dr . ssa Cats explores the topic.

below, you will find a piece of a show Beppe Grillo , which is the topic.

Video taken from Youtube Channel

"The End because it is near the beginning
has now been forgotten. "

Domenico Presutto


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