Monday, March 7, 2011

Adrian Arpel Porcelain Coverbase

1° Assemblea nazionale dei circoli.

Introducing the Inno di Mameli notes, started at the Adriano Cinema in Rome, the First National Assembly of Circles, a large public event to presence of the leader Gianfranco Fini, who will close the convention and the Future of Freedom to Italy with an address to the delegations of local clubs, and thematic web. In the front row
Gianfranco Fini, Italo Bocchino, Adolfo Urso and the entire staff of the party. He opened the meeting
Antonio Buonfiglio, coordinator of the Fli Lazio. A special applause and 'was reserved for Mirko Tremaglia.
ENDS JUSTICE: WHEN ASSESSING their drafts - "When the government will present the texts will evaluate it fairly." So Gianfranco Fini said at the end of the assembly of Fli circles, who asked him what he thought of the reform justice announced by the government.
ALTERNATIVE TO BERLUSCONI AND LEFT, BOTH CONSERVATIVE. Our challenge is to 'show that we are SOMETHING ELSE - "Our challenge' to make people understand that we are something else than the current center-right, with another idea, even compared to the center of Italy." And 'one of the steps of the intervention of House Speaker Gianfranco Fini Cinema Adriano for the first national meeting of the clubs future and freedom'.
Fini stressed that "to be another center-right does not mean not to be alternative to the left, a left that in recent years and 'was unable to field suggestions that can excite and engage the Italians. "
The limit of the center which is expressed in the majority and of the left, continued Fini, and 'represented' by the absence of a policy reform ", a shortcoming shared by the two sides.
"We are the future leaders-said-in the presence of a clash of conservative structures, not in the noble sense of the British, but in the worst sense of those who do not want to change anything, 'cause the change involves risk, involves the questioning annuity acquired. "
ENOUGH DIVISIONS, 'QUAQUARAQUA "OUT NOW - Gianfranco Fini, the Future and Freedom Calls' to forget the divisions between hawks and doves, and look ahead, but not giving up 'a jab against what he calls "quaquaraqua"' and who abandoned the baby party.
"After the conference you should not spend one minute on who was there and there is no 'more', 'he said from the stage the first national assembly of Fli circles.
"Even if - said the chairman of the House - someone made me understand very well what it means to the passage of '' The Day of the Owl 'when it comes to men, and ominicchi quaquaraqua"'. "What and 'state and' state, "said Fini.


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