"L´Italia stenta da 15 anni, giovani al palo, tasse al top e il federalismo può elevarle". "Azioni riformatrici più coraggiose migliorerebbero le aspettative di imprese e famiglie"
Tre numeri-brivido e una simulazione che incute paura. Davanti a una platea di cambisti, operatori e banchieri riuniti Verona, the governor of the Bank of Italy beats: the growth in Italy 'struggling for fifteen years. " Young people can not find work (30% of unemployed) and those who fail must accept entry wage "still more than a decade to levels below those of the Eighties": "A waste." And again. We are too many taxes, the tax burden "is 3 points above the EU average." As if that were not enough, now you have to deal with the aftermath of the riots in Libya and North Africa: "A 20% increase in the price of oil determines, ceteris paribus, a lower output growth than half a percentage point over three years. " Not cheap for a country that develops barely 1%, in slow motion over its main partners. Mario Draghi law in one breath the 14 folders prepared for the Congress of Forex. The main objective is growth, "he begins. Need for "the most courageous actions of reform to improve the expectations of firms and households and thus give" impetus "to the economy. Necessary "to free the spirit of entrepreneurs and individuals from many constraints." It takes a youth labor market less than a cast: low mobility, too much insecurity. From time to time add some little phrase in the arm. Like when he told the bankers to consider a "compliment" the criticism of too much supervision "suffocating." Or when he calls on institutions immediately to strengthen the capital: "A suggestion: proceed before the stress tests are performed or their results communicated." For the rest s'attiene to written words, weighed to the end, as always happens on this occasion, the second most important agenda of the governor, after the Final at the end of May. Dragons paints a country that has great resources, great business skills and hard-working and thrifty people, but it is harnessed dall'onerosità bureaucracy, especially those leaning against the companies. Complaint an education system - schools and universities - that does not reward merit as it should, while making the gap wider than learning partners, especially in the south. The government asks you to continue along the path of discipline, since there are other ways to reduce the deficit, given the level of taxation. Indeed - here's a novelty - the windfall that may occur with recoveries of evasion "should be used to reduce the pressure on taxpayers who already pay what they owe." Not only that: "having to be able to compensate for increases in the centrally decentralized collection, resulting in fiscal federalism." The attention to the accounts is also important because "an important contribution to the prevention of new crises of sovereign debtors will have to come from the reform of European governance, which will enhance the surveillance of national economic policies. " But tomorrow is young and these are fun. Their condition, "emphasizes dependence, already high by international comparison, the wealth and income of parents is" a strong factor in social inequality. " Contributes to the segmentation of the labor market "where there is the minimum mobility at one extreme and the most precarious of another. 'It's a waste of resources that affect young people and seriously degrades the efficiency of the production system. " From a central banker, also at the top candidate of the ECB, look at real rates in the short "extremely negative" that does not give any boost to the development for the weak countries. Warns - inflazione: quella al consumo, spinta dai rincari delle materie di base, è salita a gennaio oltre «la definizione di stabilità dei prezzi fissata dalla Banca centrale europea».
di Elena Polidori
da "La Repubblica" 27 febbraio 2011