Friday, May 28, 2010

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Alla scoperta delle nuove Domus con "Pompei Bike"

At the start of Saturday, May 29 (11:00 am) Pompeii Bike the first pedestrian and cycle route of about 5 km (there and return), Piazza Anfiteatro at Villa dei Misteri, along the perimeter walls of the ancient city that combines a visit to the excavations and A domus open to the public, some for the first time at a bike ride or walk on what can be defined the world's most beautiful bike path, including archeology, nature and panoramic views, from the ruins of the sea.

To access the course (which falls within the cost of the ticket), you can use your own bike or rent one for free, complete with helmet, at the Piazza Anfiteatro, the fairy tale run at the information point (Italian Federation of Friends of the bike).

Pompeii Bike Along the way there are areas of green spaces and scenic vantage points both to the Vesuvius to the archaeological excavations. The presence of information tables and racks allow cycle-tourists to leave the bike and enter easily into the old city to visit places of great suggestions including the home of Obellio signed and that of Marcus Lucretius Fronto that are part of a group of beautiful domus reopened for this occasion and for the summer season.

'Bike With Pompeii offer a truly new way to experience the archaeological area for the whole family - said the Special Commissioner Marcello Fiori - now you can spend the whole day, cycling or walking, choosing among the various proposals and visit also enjoying moments of relaxation. We would like to thank the trade unions of the excavations that have allowed us to make so many reopenings and enrich the tourist offer in the summer of Pompeii as never
''on the opening day on Saturday (away from the Piazza Anfiteatro at 11 , 00), meeting all morning, the green area of \u200b\u200bPorta Nola where the first participants in Pompeii Bike will find a food court of 'The roads of wine and typical products of Vesuvius Vesuvius'.

The new pathways and Pompeii Pompeii Bike Friendly, already active, is therefore an additional opportunity to meet some major domus, recently restored and many years closed to the public. These include the house Obellio signatures, which houses the famous safe, the house of Marcus Lucretius Fronto, defined a true 'art gallery' to the richness of the decorations that cover almost all of the walls. Permanently open the house of Sallust, the maximum air home and the home of the Golden Cupids, one of the most beautiful of Pompeii, with its rich wall decorations including the gold leaf on carved cherubs that adorned bedroom.

reached by the easier path of Casca Longus Friendly Home, which takes its name from the incision on the tripod of a marble table. The recent restoration has returned to shine beautiful wall decorations characterized by the special "blue" Alexandrian. And again, the home of four styles, which sums up its frescoes by the four styles of Pompeian painting, the thermopolium Lucius Vetutius Placidus and the famous house of Menander, one of the few with monumental domus refined private baths, visible only on the first reservation.

From June 1 to Pompei open to the public the domus Julius Polybius, the first visit with 'multi' and the yard-event of the Chaste Lovers. After the restoration and the success of the preview at the twelfth week of culture, the two splendid Via domus Abundance will be open all day, with educational tours, reservations required and additional ticket (5 € for each visit, 7 € for both visits) on - \u200b\u200b199 104 114 39 06 39967850 from abroad and mobile.


pedestrian route: Piazza Anfiteatro
-Porta Sarno - Nola Gate - Vesuvian Gate-Tower-Mercury Herculaneum Gate-Villa dei Misteri (and back)
Access trail bike rental and helmet: 9.00 -18.00
The entrance to the path is included in the ticket price
E 'obligation to wear a protective helmet

Event Information:

Start Date: May 29, 2010
Ending Date: May 29, 2010
Location: Pompeii, along the perimeter walls of the ancient city
Hours: 9:00 to 18:00
Phone: 081.
8575347 Website:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

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Riccardo Muti inaugura il teatro grande degli scavi di Pompei

After an impressive restoration, an exclusive event on June 10 by Teatro di San Carlo reopens the archaeological site of prestigious international event

Youth Orchestra Riccardo Muti "Luigi Cherubini" opened June 10 (21.15 11 replicates at the same time) the Grand Theatre of Pompeii, reborn thanks to the restoration and upgrading of the structure achieved in 15 months by the Commissioner for the emergence of the archaeological area of \u200b\u200bNaples and Pompeii, Marcello Fiori after years of decay and abandonment that have made episodic and discontinuous activity.

unique and exclusive event, organized and edited by the Teatro di San Carlo, per celebrare il ritorno del grande spettacolo nell’area archeologica, il concerto di Muti è il preludio di una stagione ricca realizzata in collaborazione con le principali istituzioni culturali del Mezzogiorno, che oltre alla Fondazione Teatro di San Carlo vede la partnership della Fondazione Campania dei Festival.

“Siamo particolarmente grati al maestro Muti per aver accettato di inaugurare con uno speciale concerto il restaurato Teatro Grande, in una serata che si annuncia storica per la rinascita della vita di Pompei”, dichiara il commissario Fiori. “L’area archeologica si apre cosi alle altre arti e diviene luogo di elaborazione e proposta culturale: palcoscenico del mondo in cui la bellezza in tutte le sue espressioni è la vera protagonista’’.

“La riapertura e la restituzione al mondo intero del Teatro Grande dell’area archeologica di Pompei è un fatto di straordinaria importanza”, sottolinea il maestro Muti. “Tale avvenimento si inserisce in quel processo di rilancio della vita culturale di Napoli e della Campania, che tramite le sue istituzioni, in primo luogo il Teatro di San Carlo, si pone l’obiettivo di trasmettere alle nuove generazioni la consapevolezza delle antiche tradizioni partenopee. E’ solo attraverso il riappropriarsi delle sue profonde radici, che Napoli può rivendicare il futuro luminoso che attende e merita”.

“Abbiamo scelto di inaugurare con il maestro Muti and his orchestra youth working with the Grand Theatre of Pompeii, to give a message of positivity and confidence to the younger generation, "said Rosanna Provided, new superintendent of the Teatro di San Carlo. "I particularly care about this aspect of the cultural mission of any company, even more of a theater like ours, a symbol of a vision of art that Muti with the teacher becomes a vehicle for the message loud and true to the young talents. I sincerely thank the teacher for his time, that only great artists have, and that strengthens the bond with our theater, strengthened by his happy return in 2007 after a long and painful period of separation. There are many projects that will share in the coming years, and especially the unique vision of music that both cultural center, training and gathering people who are new to this world for the first time. "

Authorized to accommodate about 1800 spectators (in the Augustan age it could accommodate about 5,000), the theater built in the second century. BC uses the natural slope for the construction of the seating (auditorium), horseshoe-shaped, divided into three zones, of which the lower (IMA auditorium), covered with marble, was reserved for the settlers and prominent citizens. Stage and the stage - decorated with marble and statues - in brickwork, dating back to the restoration of 62 AD, after the earthquake. In ancient times there representing the Atellanae, but also the comedies of Plautus and Terence, mimes and pantomimes.

With this last major restoration was carried out a series of targeted interventions that have finally provided the stage for proper lighting, adequate accommodation, signage, barriers and protections that have been built or restored in full compliance with the preservation of artistic heritage. Viewers were accepted in the beauty of a unique place in the world and twenty centuries of history, is then proposed a system specially designed stage, next to the convenience of modern amenities. "

The concert by maestro Muti offers a program of music of the great classical repertoire: from 'Fantasy-Overture' Romeo e Giulietta’ di Čajkovskij, all’Uccello di Fuoco di Stravjnskij (Suite 1919). Chiusa grandiosa con la Quinta Sinfonia in do minore, op.67 di Beethoven.

Riccardo Muti arriverà a Pompei dopo gli impegni di Salisburgo dove, dal 2007, è protagonista del Festival di Pentecoste con la Cherubini “orchestra in residence” del progetto quinquennale che la prestigiosa rassegna austriaca, in coproduzione con Ravenna Festival, ha avviato con il maestro per la riscoperta e la valorizzazione del patrimonio musicale del Settecento Napoletano.

Gia aperte le prevendite. Per informazioni e prenotazioni: Biglietteria Teatro di San Carlo, tel. 081.7972331/412 ( e prevendite authorized usual.

Data Source: Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Naples and Pompeii

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Pompei - Scavi, no alla privatizzazione

Yesterday, May 24th, 2010 at 18, the Movement of Young Onset went to Pompeii to protest against the privatization of one of the best known in the art heritage world's archaeological excavations.
"The excavations of Pompeii - explains the reference to Young Onset Gianpaolo Schirani - have always been a public good and we will fight to keep them that way. The Minister of Culture Bondi proposed to entrust the archaeological site to a foundation formed by private bodies , including many banks, which certainly did not they would act altruistically. We also know that today all The banks are the bearers of the interests of the North, while our assets must be assets of this region and its people. "
Society, private sector and various politicians have nothing to do with the history of our origins. - Oscar De Simone says archaeologist insurgent - They with their marketing and their business would be even more lethal for Pompeii Vesuvius, who by dint of quell'eruzione of 79 AD, however, preserved the bodies and memories of a city today is the subject of more accurate studies on the history and classical art. "
The insurgents staged a leafleting in front of the archaeological site in the name of large colored posters with the written SALE, which was carpeted the entrance of the excavations, and slogans like "Do not speculate about the culture!", "Art not privatization: it is all", "Privatization does not mean good management," " Pompei not reburied with your money! "," rise up against the privatization. "

Saturday, May 22, 2010

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Facebook € 1 for a state museum in the places of culture

Monday, May 24, 2010
18:00 to 20:00
Place :
Pompeii - Entrance to the archaeological site

Facebook a site to help financially in trouble '. From the generous and unselfish with his patron substantial economic contribution is supporting major projects for restoration and enhancement of the site, without obtaining any profit they 'deprive the Superintendent, in fact supporting it.'' ''Il quadro e' completato dalla proroga del Commissariamento, che a Pompei come ovunque, continua a svuotare delle loro funzioni le Soprintendenze e derogare alle norme del Codice degli appalti pubblici e del Codice dei Beni Culturali, abbassando il livello di guardia della tutela'' afferma C evoli che conclude: ''In Italia si sta lentamente consumando il disimpegno dello Stato nella tutela e nella gestione dei beni culturali diffusi sul territorio, mentre i fiori all'occhiello l'uno dopo l'altro stanno passando nelle mani dei privati. Essendo Pompei il sito archeologico piu' visitato d'Italia, e' ovvio che i suoi introiti fanno gola a molti''.

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excavations of Pompeii, Casa della Fontana Piccola: completed the restoration of the mural depicting a scene of seascape



Authorized to accommodate about 1800 spectators (eta 'Augustan it could accommodate about 5,000), the theater built in the second century. BC uses the natural slope for the construction of the seating (auditorium), at horseshoe-shaped, divided into three zones, of which the lower (IMA auditorium), covered with marble, was reserved for the settlers and prominent citizens. Stage and the stage - decorated with marble and statues - in brickwork, dating back to the restoration of 62 AD, after the earthquake. In ancient 'you are representing the Atellanae, but also the comedies of Plautus and Terence, mimes and pantomimi.dopo years of decay and neglect that have made episodic and discontinuous activity'.

Co this last major restoration was carried out a series of targeted interventions that have finally provided the stage for proper lighting, adequate accommodation, signage, barriers and protections that have been built or restored nel pieno rispetto delle norme sulla conservazione dei beni artistici. Agli spettatori, accolti nella bellezza di un luogo unico al mondo e con venti secoli di storia, verra' quindi proposto un impianto scenico appositamente realizzato, accanto alla comodita' dei moderni servizi.

Soddisfatto il commissario Fiori, ''particolarmente grato al maestro Muti per aver accettato di inaugurare con uno speciale concerto il restaurato Teatro Grande, in una serata che si annuncia storica per la rinascita della vita di Pompei''. Dal canto suo il neo sovintendente del San Carlo, Rosanna Purchia, spiega cosi' la scelta di inaugurare con il maestro Muti e la sua orchestra giovanile la collaborazione con il teatro Grande degli Scavi di Pompei: ''vogliamo dare a message of positivity 'and confidence to the younger generation.''

''I particularly care about this aspect of the cultural mission of any company, even more of a theater like ours, a symbol of a vision of art that becomes a vehicle with maestro Muti a strong message to young people and sincere talent - adds the extent that - I sincerely thank the teacher for his time ', that only great artists have, and that strengthens the bond with our theater, strengthened by his happy return in 2007 after a long and painful period of separation . There are many projects that will share in the coming years, and especially the unique vision of music that is a cultural center, educational and aggregation to those who faces in this world for the first time.'' ''The reopening and returning to the world of the Grand Theatre and the archaeological site of Pompeii 'a fact of extraordinary importance - says Muti - this event is part of the process of revival of cultural life in Naples and Campania, which means its institutions, primarily the Teatro di San Carlo, aims to transmit to future generations the knowledge of the ancient Neapolitan tradition. It 's only through the reappropriation of its deep roots, which may Naples' claim the bright future that awaits and deserves.''

The concert by maestro Muti offers a program of music of the great classical repertoire: dall'Ouverture-Fantasia 'Romeo and Juliet' to Tchajkovskij, Stravjnskij of the Firebird (Suite 1919). Closed with the magnificent Fifth Symphony in C minor, Op.67 Beethoven. The advance sales have already 'opened.

For information and reservations: Teatro di San Carlo, tel. 081.7972331/412 ( and pre-authorized regular.

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Pompeii: Open to the public permanently the "event site" of the House of the Chaste Lovers

Saturday, May 8, 2010

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MiBAC promotes "The Night of Museums" For the second year, Italy joined the European event state museums open for free during the night May 15 For the second year MiBAC participates in "The Night of Museums", the European event offers free entry to museums and archaeological areas in the evening and night, allowing an exciting and unusual use of the Italian artistic heritage for those who fail to do so in the usual visiting hours. Also a unique opportunity to engage a younger audience, and usually far from the world of culture. Many of the art venues involved will enrich the proposal by organizing events such as concerts, exhibitions, guided tours and suggestive themes.

Of particular importance is the participation in the Campania region in which the MIBAC continues the successful cooperation activities for development and promotion of cultural heritage Artecard through Campania, already tested successfully in the recent "Culture Week". Thirty-five state Campanian sites that adhere to "The Night of Museums" on May 15 with special opening free from 20:00 to 2:00 in the morning from the archaeological site of Pompeii, the Castle of Baia, the Certosa di Padula Caves Perth, with a full calendar of events, including "Call Building" Reale in Naples, the exhibit Comicon comic Villa Pignatelli and night tours of archaeological sites of Herculaneum and Pompeii.
Follow the link below to see the events for each region # end

Thursday, May 6, 2010

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Starts May 7th the new paths of sound and light

Casts of the fugitives, reconstructions and an encounter with an ancient Pompeian
begins May 7 - and continues every weekend until the end October - the new expanded and enriched version of "The Moons of Pompeii ', the exciting night tour of lights, sounds and voices within the excavation site of Pompeii. The initiative, organized by the Provincial of Naples, supported by the Campania Region is part of the circuit Campania> Artecard and is part PompeiViva made by Marcello Fiori, Deputy Commissioner for the emergence of the archaeological site of Pompeii and Naples.

"After the success of summer 2009 - said Dario Scalabrini, director of the Provincial Tourism in Naples, which financed and built the initiative - this year we propose an extended version and enriched with new contents and effects. A show even more impressive organized in collaboration with the Commissioner of Pompeii, which has jumped at the potential for attraction to a different audience than would normally choose to visit traditional. " "The night-time tours to enrich the experience of the archaeological knowledge, recalling the atmosphere of antiquity also for those who already know gli scavi - continua Scalabrini - .Si affiancheranno, quindi, ad altre importanti iniziative realizzate da Fiori che renderanno viva Pompei antica anche di notte per tutta l’estate, con spettacoli, concerti, danza, rappresentando uno dei fiori all’occhiello della nostra offerta turistica e culturale”. "La visita notturna di Pompei - sottolinea Marcello Fiori, commissario delegato per l’emergenza di Pompei - consente di scoprire un diverso e affascinante volto della città e completa le occasioni di conoscenza di questo straordinario patrimonio culturale".

Tante le novità di questa nuova edizione come la visita all’Orto dei Fuggiaschi dove si trovano i calchi più conosciuti dell’area archeologica Pompey, the virtual reconstruction of the ancient city from just inside the walls, new stages on Via Abundance encounter with a curious character who will accompany visitors on this special journey, where the light takes shape as the words, graffiti, people. Continue to the Garden of the fugitives, with the Moon of Hope, which receives a voice telling us of the tragedy. The bodies poured out, bent, the pain returned last heartbreaking longing. We then walks away to Abundance, but before you arrive at what was the most animated of Pompeii, the group enters the home of the perfumer, Via Nocera, famous for the large yard where they were grown very valuable species, illuminated by the moon Success.
Crossing the aqueduct built by the famous architect Domenico Fontana who, having had the chance to dig for so many months and mythical ancient Pompeii, as a voiceover says, had the misfortune to never acknowledge the ancient city buried Vesuvius. Once on Via Abundance
another novelty, a curious character will help the public understand some of the graffiti, aided by video projections that will return the translation.
We proceed along the road to visit some of the most beautiful domus. The first is the home of Ottavio Quartione where, they say, were held rituals dedicated to Isis: slowly lights up the elegant with the outer peristyle garden, underlined by the reflections of the water with the Moon euripi of Life. Every detail of his villa now has a new light, while a voiceover describes details and functions. Finally, we show the cell Iliaca, with its elegant frescoes.
is accessed then the house of Venus in the Shell, where he slowly looks the beautiful view of the large painting in the bottom of the garden, in the light of the Moon Mystery. Soon after we continue with the Moon is not to the Amphitheatre, where you enter through the grand entrance leading to the arena. Two large synchronized projections of images of public and sporty cheering alternate with other early modern, to remind us that the way to have fun in those places in the past was not very different from what we live today: the Moon having fun.

paths will continue until the end of October.
From August 6 to 22 open every evening (except Tuesdays).
input from the ruins of Pompeii - Piazza Anfiteatro
information, bookings and calendar
tel. + 39 081 1930 3885 (Tues / Sun, 10 am - 20)
fax + 39 081 19308787 - \u200b\u200bTop
paths an hour after sunset (departure groups every 20 minutes)
Journey time 70 minutes (comfortable shoes are recommended)
E 'absolutely necessary to book (free)
Cost of the visit € 20
Holders Campania> Artecard
Special Price € 14 for families (2 adults + 2 children under 16 years) 40 €

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Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius. Science, knowledge and experience

an event where it will be the environment, illegal immigration and . Unfortunately, these social problems in much of Campania. The Pompeilab opens the gates at 20 for an evening that will raise awareness through information da traino verso una crescita culturale e civica della cittadinanza.
Alle ore 21.30 è prevista la proiezione del documentario "La foce delle notizie", l’esito di un laboratorio di video partecipato realizzato nell’ambito dei progetti promossi nel casertano da Punta Corsara - Fondazione Campania dei Festival. Dodici ragazzi e ragazze sono stati protagonisti di un esperimento di televisione dal basso che ha avuto luogo nella Scuola Media Giuseppe Garibaldi e nel Centro d’Accoglienza per Immigrati Fernandes di Castel Volturno.
Brevi reportage su beni confiscati alla camorra, su oasi naturalistiche a rischio, su centri d’accoglienza per migranti, su politici, volontari e cittadini comuni, si alternano a interventi dei conduttori and their guests from the study, as in a real in-depth news.

followed by a brief discussion. At 22.30

is scheduled concert of African music with Dankan Burkina Faso.
- Friends of the Sarno
- Bottega del Sole City
- Trame African
- Terramare3000

Show with display panels by Ass. Friends of the Sarno and paintings and pottery Antonella Scala


CORSAIR Corsair is the 2007/2010 business plan sponsored by the Cultural Foundation of Campania Festival, chaired by Rachele Furfaro. The work of Punta Corsara is constructed from the interweaving of theatrical programming and production, art workshops, training courses in performing arts occupations. Location of the project is the Auditorium of Scampia, but they widen the possible actions the city and the province of Caserta, with polls, surveys and workshops involving artists, practitioners and scholars from all over Italy.

pedagogical design, circus, breakdance, animation, painting, music band, video part, are the means of expression used in educational sessions involving children, adolescents and adults to create opportunities for personal growth and group comparison between ages and cultures. The workshops are divided based on the creation of frameworks for participation, in which reciprocity and exchange become the basic elements of the work. These are moments of direct relationship with places, people, schools and associations, in which, through its own testing method, you can find the necessity of artistic and cultural heritage.

the mouth of the News - The newsletter of Castel Volturno