Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Where Can I Go To Get Myontario Boat Licence
Expo 2009 comes at Pompeii "Little John", the world's thinnest desktop computer
Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius. Science, knowledge and experience

What Does Your Mucus Look Like Before Your Period
Pompeii tip on marriage: Featured Made in Italy and professionalism bells
Spettacoli e visite guidate gratuite, martedì 2 marzo primo appuntamento con “Al lupo, al lupo”. Pompei apre il suo auditorium al Teatro San Carlo con un ciclo di balletti e concerti gratuiti riservati agli studenti, per raccontare la musica e la danza ai tempi di Pompei. Il primo appuntamento è per domani 2 marzo con il coro di voci bianche “Al lupo, al lupo” riservato gratuitamente agli alunni delle scuole primarie. Sono previsti due spettacoli: il primo alle ore 10,30 e il secondo alle ore 12. Gli spettacoli sono abbinati ad una visita tematica sul teatro, la musica e la danza in epoca romana, a cura della società Pierreci.
Già in tenera età i fanciulli Pompeii frequented the theater and approached the world of music. The young visitors today will be guided as well as the Theatres and the Amphitheatre, also discovering places on aspects of daily living child (the Gymnasium, the Thermopolium, the garden house of Hercules, the home of Stitch plays). About 100 students from elementary school classes IV Maurizio De Vito Piscicelli of 55 Lindlar II of Naples and Pompeii Club will attend the event. The initiative is part of the 2010 program "Viva Pompeii" aims to study, protect and enhance one of the most impressive archaeological sites in the world, promoted by the Commissioner of the archaeological site of Pompeii and Naples, Marco Fiori.
"The brass of St. Charles' visit
9.30 - 11.00
concert for pupils in secondary schools
20 and 23 April
Dance School," In the world of Fairy Tales "visit
9.30 - 11.00 am
concert for pupils in primary and secondary schools and 13
14 maggio
Coro del Teatro San Carlo, “Le lingue d’Europa”
Ore 9,30 visita – ore 11,00 concerto
Per gli alunni delle scuole medie superiori
fonte dati:
Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni archeologici di Napoli e Pompei
Via Villa dei Misteri, 2 - 80045 Pompei NA
Tel. 081.8575341 - Fax 081.5370328
Spettacoli e visite guidate gratuite, martedì 2 marzo primo appuntamento con “Al lupo, al lupo”. Pompei apre il suo auditorium al Teatro San Carlo con un ciclo di balletti e concerti gratuiti riservati agli studenti, per raccontare la musica e la danza ai tempi di Pompei. Il primo appuntamento è per domani 2 marzo con il coro di voci bianche “Al lupo, al lupo” riservato gratuitamente agli alunni delle scuole primarie. Sono previsti due spettacoli: il primo alle ore 10,30 e il secondo alle ore 12. Gli spettacoli sono abbinati ad una visita tematica sul teatro, la musica e la danza in epoca romana, a cura della società Pierreci.
Participation in the Teatro San Carlo and tours of the excavations is free, with reservations required and subject to availability at the numbers: 199 104 114 39967850 or at 06 (by phone) or visit www.pierreci.it
Upcoming events: 9 and 12 March "The brass of St. Charles' visit
9.30 - 11.00
concert for pupils in secondary schools
20 and 23 April
Dance School," In the world of Fairy Tales "visit
9.30 - 11.00 am
concert for pupils in primary and secondary schools and 13
14 maggio
Coro del Teatro San Carlo, “Le lingue d’Europa”
Ore 9,30 visita – ore 11,00 concerto
Per gli alunni delle scuole medie superiori
fonte dati:
Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni archeologici di Napoli e Pompei
Via Villa dei Misteri, 2 - 80045 Pompei NA
Tel. 081.8575341 - Fax 081.5370328
Friday, March 5, 2010
Silver City Movie Ottawa
Code: Genesis - The Book of Eli
Those of us who give so much importance to the Bible as a book nowadays?
Well, I would say that not even the same class as ecclesiastical would do what Eli, the protagonist of the film (Denzel name in Washington), has thirty years in the post-apocalyptic earth in which it was found because of a war the last war.
Before watching this film you must eliminate any kind of association with other films such as the setting or who are still a very bright future for our humanity.
Thirty years ago that broke the last war, which caused a hole in the sky and let the sun come down, this is what you tell the survivors.
This was the cause of death of nearly all humanity. The few left alive, they kill their own kind for a pair of shoes or for the mere sake of it.
The journey of this man, not a messiah, but a way to give humanity a glimmer of light in the darkest era that has not ever seen, it is fascinating to the point that the viewer almost wants to become the protagonist himself or at least help to bring this long-term and arduous task.
The treasure that Eli is so jealously guards and delivers a book, the last copy left on earth: a Bible of King George.
His antagonist, What he could not miss, is played by Gary Oldman, who is one of the last people of that culture remained alive and who knows the real power that a book like the Bible can have on a mass of people without culture and desperate.
One of the scenes that struck me, to pray together with Eli sees a girl named Solara (Mila Kunis), which is still amazed by the beauty of the words of Psalm 22
( Il Signore è il mio pastore:
non manco di nulla;
su pascoli erbosi mi fa riposare,
ad acque tranquille mi conduce.
Mi rinfranca, mi guida per il giusto cammino,
per amore del suo nome.
Se dovessi camminare in una valle oscura,
not fear no evil: for thou art with me.
Thy rod and thy staff comfort
they comfort me.)
believing that he was to write the same Eli ...
What the Hughes Brothers wanted to convey, is that the vera fine della nostra civiltà avverrà proprio quando la cultura che abbiamo ottenuto in millenni di storia andrà completamente persa.
Regia: Albert Hughes, Allen Hughes
Cast: Denzel Washington, Mila Kunis, Gary Oldman, Michael Gambon, Ray Stevenson, Jennifer Beals, Evan Jones
Genere: Azione, Thriller, Colore
Production: Alcon Entertainment, Silver Pictures, USA, 2010
Distribution: 01 Distribution
Release Date: February 26 2010
PS The link to watch the film Book of Eli streaming you will not find, because not only illegal, but because such a film must look in a room adequate.
Domenico Presutto
Extreme Curves Leighd
The Moons of Pompeii
il giorno
05 Marzo 2010
, ore 19:00 presso La Casa Del Pellegrino, P.zza
Bartolo Longo, Pompei, si terrà il convegno:
Durante la manifestazione Sarà Presentato il progetto spectacula. Il
City of Pompeii.
for the occasion will be present at Pompeii the Hon Stephen Caldoro,
candidate for President of the Regione Campania el 'On Maurizio Iapichino, PDL
Coordinator of the City of Naples.
are planned investments of 'on. Sandro Bondi, Minister of Cultural Heritage and Mr
. Mara Carfagna, Minister for Equal Opportunities.
L'evento è aperto al pubblico, Tutti sono invitati ad Essere e per la prima
volta protagonista assoluto del rilancio morale ed economico del nostro
il giorno
05 Marzo 2010
, ore 19:00 presso La Casa Del Pellegrino, P.zza
Bartolo Longo, Pompei, si terrà il convegno:
Durante la manifestazione Sarà Presentato il progetto spectacula. Il
Progetto e Stato Prepared by expert Felice, Bergamasco communication
of Cultural Heritage, on behalf of the Committee Cincinnatus. The Committee for
main purpose is to promote the recovery architectural amphitheater of Pompeii and to require institutions National and Regional management to assign, direct or indirect, to City of Pompeii.
for the occasion will be present at Pompeii the Hon Stephen Caldoro,
candidate for President of the Regione Campania el 'On Maurizio Iapichino, PDL
Coordinator of the City of Naples.
are planned investments of 'on. Sandro Bondi, Minister of Cultural Heritage and Mr
. Mara Carfagna, Minister for Equal Opportunities.
L'evento è aperto al pubblico, Tutti sono invitati ad Essere e per la prima
volta protagonista assoluto del rilancio morale ed economico del nostro
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