Saturday, November 21, 2009
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Over 200 marriages per year celebrated in the Sanctuary. Trend growth is already available for 2011
Over 200 marriages celebrated every year at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii. The unioni, in costante crescita dal 2006, sono state circa 230 nel 2008, pari al 20 per cento in più rispetto all’anno precedente. Stesso trend è previsto nel 2009. Per lo più (l’80 per cento) si tratta di matrimoni concordatari: quelli solo religiosi non superano il 20 per cento. Le richieste per sposarsi nel Santuario arrivano da ogni parte d’Italia, talvolta anche dall’estero, e l’attesa per pronunciare il “sì” a Pompei può durare anche più di un anno: sono già in prenotazione, infatti, le date per sposarsi nel 2011. La città di Pompei, dunque, si propone come una vetrina di grande interesse per quei settori del Made in Italy che, tra artigianato e servizi, guardano carefully at weddings and the housing needs of the couple.
Pompeii Expo 2009, the event scheduled from November 28 to December 8 in the exhibition area of \u200b\u200bthe sanctuary, inspired by the themes of marriage and home, to enhancing the national creativity, but especially Bell, who became famous in the world the "Marriage Italian Style".
In Campania the number of marriages is 5.5 marriages per thousand inhabitants in the province of Naples, 6, 5.6 and 5 of those, respectively, of Caserta and Salerno, in Italy the index is 4, 2 per thousand (Istat, 2007). These data are significant considering that in Italy for wedding fatturano quasi 6 miliardi di euro all’anno. Anche se il costo medio di un matrimonio, pari a circa 27mila euro, è cresciuto del 6 per cento rispetto al 2008 (dati Federconsumatori, 2009) il settore non appare in crisi.
Sono quattro, invece, gli atelier campani che, nel corso dell’esposizione, presenteranno le nuove collezioni wedding dresses, wedding symbol par excellence of Italian style. The 5 and 7 December, also will parade the catwalk creations D'Auria of the Sisters of Pompei and the designer of Torre del Nunzio Russo Greek.
As for favors, all-Italian wedding tradition, among the most sought after are the Capodimonte porcelain, but will not miss Pompeii Expo 2010 preview of the collections of prestigious national brands working with glass.
Even after "the wedding ceremony the prevailing passion for taste and Italian design: for example, in furniture, where stand the sober and inspired by the classic, but also in the field of honeymooners. "Increasingly, the choice falls on a cruise - said Emilio La Scala, MSC Cruises - because it is a complete journey and also culturally rich. Our fleet exports all over the world, the Italian Style, from furniture to kitchen, up to the seating arrangements in the theater on board ship, all references to the traditions and habits of life in Italy. "
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Adult Winks For Messenger
From August to November every Friday, Saturday and Sunday
A fascinating new way to experience the excavations of Pompeii at night. "The Moons of Pompeii," the visitor wants to revive a past civilization through multimedia technologies, light, sound and the evocative power of the Moon.
The course, with entrance from Piazza Anfiteatro, part of the necropolis of Porta Nocera, continues with a visit to the House of the Garden of Hercules, also known as the House of Perfume, continues because of Abundance, dwelling in houses Loreio Tiburtino, Venus in the Shell and Giulia Felice and ends in the beautiful setting of the Amphitheatre with a play of light.
Seven large bright moons will mark the route and the stops, creating a dream: Death of the Moon, Moon of Success, The Mythical Moon, Moon of Life, the Moon is not there, the Moon and Illegal the Moon having fun, are the reasons driving the story goes, mythology and the secrets of Pompeii.
particular suggestion aroused frescoes and illuminated signs and of course 'moons' light fixtures that noninvasively enhance the soft light of the excavations along a route full of original and authentic treasures.
Starting from the Necropolis which extends outside the Porta Nocera, from which it takes its name, the beginning of the path. Of great importance to point out the graves esedra, including the imposing building that Eumachia funeral, a priestess of Venus built for himself and his family. The House of the Garden of Hercules or the scent has a triclinium stone for outdoor meals alongside shrine dedicated to the worship of Hercules with a marble statue which gave the house its name. The huge green space on the back was held to half of the century. BC palaeobotanical and surveys attest to the growing of wood for the production of perfumes, it is likely that the owner was a perfumer. The House of Octavius \u200b\u200bQuarto (or Loreio Tiburtino) belonged to Octavius \u200b\u200bneighborhood as the test-ring seal found at the entrance. The large back garden is adorned with fountains, with two long pools and statues arranged in a T allusive to Egypt, the birthplace of the goddess Isidee. The House of Venus in the Shell takes its name from the scenic representation of the south wall where a window gives the illusion of open sea and una rosea conchiglia appare la dea Venere accompagnata da due amorini.
Infine, l’ Anfiteatro, tra gli anfiteatri più antichi e meglio conservati al mondo. Accoglieva oltre 20.000 spettatori che assistevano ai combattimenti tra gladiatori e belve feroci. “Le Lune di Pompei” è una iniziativa organizzata dall’Ente Provinciale del Turismo di Napoli, co-finanziata dalla Regione Campania, Assessorati al Turismo e ai Beni Culturali, con Fondi POR (2007-2013), in collaborazione con la Soprintendenza Archeologica di Napoli e Pompei e con il Comune di Pompei.
Dal 6 Agosto al 6 Novembre 2009 ogni venerdì, sabato e domenica
Dal 7 al 16 Agosto tutte le sere
Ingresso: Excavations at Pompeii - Piazza Anfiteatro
Reservation - free - is mandatory
Booking online:
start of the event: one hour after sunset (departure groups every 20 minutes)
Journey time: 70 minutes (comfortable shoes are recommended)
Cost of the tour: 20 €
Holders Campania> Artecard: 14 €
Special price for families (2 adults + 2 children under 16 years) 40 €
Special rates for groups: (+ 30 persons) 18 €; (+70 persons) 16 €
Personal audio system for guided-language (English)
Monday, November 9, 2009
Where Is The Restaurant In Poptropica
The Morning Light - My soundtrack
Hello people, I am here today to present another musical group Emerging Sicily.
seems like this is my research has been penetrated only in the island of Sicily, but is not so.
Today I just said something of The Morning Light , a band that plays alternative music, a lethal mix of various kinds, which can not certainly be explained by my poor words.
I would first like to thank the guys for giving me the opportunity to use their tracks for the resolution of my videos, which you can see here .
This is just a brief introduction to this band, which has made a choice very rare here in Italy, has chosen to license their songs to the Creative Commons.
To be brief, but concise, I can say that the CC (Creative Commons) is a type of license that allows totally free, which is rare especially in Italy, you can freely use the songs of artists who decide to adopt to protect their jobs.
The rules are simple:
1) The songs of artists with 3.0 license, such as The Morning Light, can not be used for commercial purposes: (you can not, ad esempio, utilizzare le loro canzoni come sottofondo ad un corto, masterizzare i CD e venderli.
2) In qualsiasi modo (non commerciale) utilizzaste brani con licenza 3.0, bisogna sempre citare la paternità dell'opera.
3) E' preferibile contattare sempre il gruppo, in particolar modo se italiano, e chiedere loro cosa ne pensano del vostro eventuale utilizzo dei loro lavori.
Questa è la vera libertà, questo è The easiest way to get publicity ... SIAE Copyright and may now be considered past!
The future is the Creative Commons also ... My blog is protected by the CC and no one can copy content in it, if not citing the source, that's me!
Domenico Presutto
Friday, November 6, 2009
How Much Does Ohio Driver's License Cost?
Competition COP15 - Rate this video Domenico Domenico Presutto
Friday, November 6, 2009.
Now you vote for the video game of the "Raise Your Voice", which translates in Italian means "feel your voice. "
In this contest I talked about it already in some previous post, but still hint of what it is if I want, rightly, ask you to help me win.
Then, the December 15, 2009 will be held in Copenhagen COP15, the largest environmental conference of all time.
There will be attended by world leaders, and YouTube, now the greatest force for freedom of expression on the web, has induced a contest for its members.
We have been asked to mount a video dedicated to the protection of the environment and I da buon samaritano, non mi sono fatto scappare questa occasione!
Il premio non è in denaro, ma ciò che è stato messo in palio è semplicemente la possibilità di essere presente alla conferenza e mostrare al mondo intero il proprio lavoro.
Ho montato il video utilizzando una bella canzone e creando un contrasto netto tra il tempo di creazione della terra e il tempo che noi, il massimo potenziale evolutivo di questo pianeta, abbiamo impiegato a distruggere tutto.
Allora, se volete aiutarmi a vincere e volare verso Copenhagen, aprite un'altra scheda del vostro browser cliccando col tasto destro sul link below and choosing the menu item "Open link in new tab".
page appears, as shown by the image below, click on Vote.
page appears, type in the box "Search for a specific video," My name, that is: Domenico Presutto as shown in the picture.
wrote my name, click on "Go" as shown below.
Now you should see the my video titled: Change ourself, save the planet. With the hope that I like, I ask you to share my posts and follow my last statement: Click on the thumb upward as shown in the latter image.
The planet is in crisis, it's up to us young people to change the destiny of it. Do not forget this date: December 15, 2009 ... could be the day when this will begin to rise again our civilization. We become involved in the history of our planet, we change and save it!
Domenico Presutto
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Masterlock Online Calculator
Presutto on "The Journal of Pozzallo.
Pozzallo, the only seaside town provincia di Ragusa, è una ridente cittadina distesa in riva al mare con magnifiche spiagge molto frequentate. Questo comune è conosciuto anche grazie al giornale via web, che tratta tutti gli avvenimenti che lo riguardano e non solo.
Pochi giorni fa mi è capitato di incontrare su MySpace un collaboratore del giornale, che mi chiesto l'autorizzazione per pubblicizzare il mio libro tramite il loro giornale!
Autorizzazione concessa...
Ed eccomi even in a Sicilian newspaper then!
Click here to view the page dedicated to my book!
The surprising thing is precisely the ease with which the network allows two or more people to meet and exchange ideas, even if the distances are, in fact, prohibitive for this to happen otherwise.
thank the newspaper and then very kindly contacted me asking if I agree or disagree with what!
Thank you, my readers, but, primarily, through the network, the only universal means of communication!
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