Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cough Causes More Condition_symptoms

Anonymous Shapes - Origins of the next myth

Music is not what we hear with our ears. The music is soul, passion, emotions, fears and joys ...
Every time I turn on my mp3 player, watch the sky for a moment, then I put the headphones in my ears, I choose the most suitable song I was emotional and childbirth begins to run in my imagination, I stranger to this world, very often, not I feel mine.
living today has become too difficult, then why take refuge in a fictional world, but still better than that this is wrong? I do not think it is, I do not imagine a better world, where there are rapists, where organized crime does not exist and where the human mind is better than it really is, can adversely affect this already ordered society. But if I am the dreamer, and dream through a song, the person or persons who composed this song, they must be angels? How do you define a person who creates something from nothing?
artist, perhaps? I believe, though maybe I go a bit 'over the objective opinion of the thing, that if an emotion is born with something created by another person, we must be forever grateful.
I, long ago, I met on MySpace an emerging group of Palermo ... their music is light and pleasant, easily remains in mind and let that desire to hear it, almost like a vice.
Band members are:

Joseph Ciglietti: Vocals, guitar and bass

Marco Lo Franco: Drums and synth

Tagliareni Alberto: Bass and guitar

Gabriele Tagliareni: Guitar and synth

on 19/04/2009 have finished mixing by Peter alias DIALTONE RECORDING right to complete the last imperfections. In late April the paperwork to declare the copyright SIAE end and the band released their first song on the EP contained Mind the gap, Snog girl on their MySpace profile .
The had success on the world's largest community for emerging artists is not slow in coming. After a few weeks after the first publication of their work, they decide to publish, also on MySpace, the second of three songs on their EP, Suspended and then get noticed by everyone, including myself, becomes a breeze.
The song is one of the nicest I've ever heard ... call it a heart-wrenching ballad metrically by the intelligent and well built, with regard to the vocals of the song, however, with regard to the party music of the song, there is no more appropriate word I can use that to define "God."
guitar, bass and synth, and are accompanied by a rhythmic drum beat and not assume that attracts attention to itself.
the summer of 2009, attend a tour that sees them engaged in some stages where Sicilian collect an increasing success.
Their number increases more and more fans on Facebook. The boys know how to get noticed on the web and their journey continues with ever increasing public approval of MySpace and Facebook.
Beginning fall 2009, finally released their third and final piece on MySpace, showing finally complete their first work.
Their music was sent to Manchester, they played live in many places in Sicily and radio programs Thick as Rock Revolution , but the guys are fully aware of how the street who wanted to take both long and winding.
of shortcuts do not exist, but in the end who wins it the hard ...
E 'Anonymous Shapes can find here:

MySpace: click here!

Youtube: click here!

Facebook: click here!

Purevolume: click here!

If you want to listen "Suspended, in my opinion the best song of Mind the gap, click here!
My opinion was, although it is difficult to admit, purely objective ... I really appreciate the work of these guys, and seeing that they are not the only one, but just a drop of a vast ocean, I took your attention on them.

Domenico Presutto

Common Flu More Condition_symptoms

Rai Streaming

Hi guys. For about two weeks, in Campania, and Rai2 Rete4 are broadcasting only on digital terrestrial. For various reasons, I'm not here to explain, I have not yet installed a digital decoder in my room ...
Problematica la cosa...non tanto per Tg di Emilio Fede non mi interessa e penso che nemmeno a voi interessi!
Adesso però mi sorge un dubbio: il canone Rai si deve pagare o no?!?
Come è possibile che la prima emittente televisiva in Italia faccia da anni pagare a tutti noi questa tassa e poi, inspiegabilmente, decide di trasmettere online?
Il successo delle Olimpiadi trasmesse via web, potrebbe essere la causa di un ripensamento, di una virata, di un cambiamento di politica interna Rai...fatto sta che finché ci sarà chi pagherà il canone, quei soldi saranno sempre ben accetti ai vertici Rai, non contenti, ovviamente, di tutti gli introiti derivanti dalle innumerevoli, se non troppe, pubblicità che siamo costretti a subirci ogni qual vota guardiamo un programma Rai.
La cosa curiosa è una: il fatto di trasmettere in streaming, potrebbe essere un qualcosa di importante per chi viaggia e, per nostalgia di casa, vuole seguire la TV nazionale...purtroppo questa modalità di trasmissione funziona solo in Italia.
Se da un qualsiasi paese estero provi a connetterti al sito Rai, non vedrai altro che their beautiful logo, but nothing else.
Well, I still hope that the links of the channels listed below may be helpful. Maybe, if you have the PC out of the TV, you can open a tab of your browser and follow Ballarò Year Zero ... or maybe you will not miss one of the many phone calls of our Premier!

Rai1 steraming Link: Rai1

Link Rai2 streaming Rai2

Link Rai3 streaming Rai3

Another nice feature of the site is to give viewers the chance to see any episode of Rai Fiction more important, for example, if I wanted to see the cloud point and crimes of 23/10/2009, here.
Hoping to be helpful, I salute you.

Domenico Presutto

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Reasons For Bloody Mucous In Period

Domenico Presutto

days ago, out of sheer curiosity, I did a Google search ...
What I tried? And myself, with much astonishment, I noticed that writing my name, it was already suggested from the largest search engine!
Look ...

On this blog I have dealt so far only about politics, various topics, without ever talking and deepen my real passions, my interests, what I love most in life ever!
Today, gear shift, but rather add another ... I will continue to always treat the same topics, but adds others, write in my slow ascent toward the upper floors because, according to my point view, we are all born there, to the best of our potential, where luck, skill, chaos and fate meet!
Our task is to climb from the abyss that we have achieved with our children!
Every single morning when you wake up from tomorrow onwards, evidence a porti questa domanda:

"E' questa la vita che voglio, è questo il massimo che posso ottenere da me stesso?"

La risposta sarà sempre negativa e ciò ti renderà più forte, ma solo per qualche minuto, poi ricomincerai a comportati come al solito; esprimendo solo in minima parte le tue effettive capacità...
Io sto tentando di risalire questo oscuro colle...e, grazie al Web, passo dopo passo, fatica dopo fatica, sto ottenendo risultati incoraggianti, ma non definitivi.
Ed è per questo che continuerò senza mai fermarmi, senza mai pensare che quello sia il mio ultimo giorno, ma capendo che il domani deriva sì dal presente, ma viene concepito ed immaginato della nostra mente e, allora, che possa io immaginare quante più strade possibili, così, quando se ne presenteranno in tante, io saprò quale sarà quella giusta!

Le community più famose sono sempre le stesse: Facebook, MySpace e Youtube...
Eccovi allora i link per trovarmi su tutte e tre:

Facebook: Become my fan on Facebook, click here!

MySpace: to visit my MySpace profile, click here!

Youtube: To visit my Youtube channel, clicca qui!

Su ogni community troverete link che vi reindirizzeranno alle altre...
Il web è vasto, ma spero che il mio tentativo di conquistare una piccola parte di esso, sia iniziato nel migliore dei modi!
Nel frattempo, visto che ultimamente i video che ho caricato sia su Youtube, sia su Facebook, stanno riscuotendo un buon successo, ve li propongo!

1) The error

Click here to watch it on Youtube.

Click here to watch it on Facebook.

2) Adjust

Click here to watch it on Youtube.

Click here to watch it on Facebook.

3) I have, and you?

Click here to watch it on Youtube.

Click here to watch it on Facebook.

4) Fear

Click here to watch it on Youtube.

Click here to watch it on Facebook.

Let me know what you think ...
Di cosa? Di tutto...

Domenico Presutto

Friday, October 2, 2009

Sjogren's More Condition_symptoms

mocked by the whole world! Subscribe to my News Letter

Ormai il rispetto che ci eravamo guadagnati sta andando scemando...
Il mondo ride di noi, del nostro Premier e della nostra finta democrazia. L'Italia, terra di lavoratori, della musica, dell'Università, della ricerca e dell'innovazione nella moda e in tante altre cose, sta divenendo solo la terra delle escort e delle leggi ad personam.
Il lodo Alfano will allow our Premier immunity from it all and we, mere mortals, there'll be down here, no rights, duties, and with so many false hopes.

A mother tells her son:

- "Love, studying ... one day you will become chairman of the board!"

- "No, Mom, I want to be a footballer, the prime minister is a crook!"

Il mondo ci osserva, resta indignato di fronte al potere che Silvio Berlusconi, presidente del nostro consiglio, ha assunto in questi anni. Il mondo ride di noi e del nostro modo di fare politica; perché "nostro" è ciò che fa Berlusconi, perché "nostre" sono le gaffe commesse da lui, perché "nostra" è la colpa se egli copre un incarico tanto importante nel mondo.
Lui se la ride e le persone, stupide, assieme a lui...
Lui scarica la colpa alla sinistra e le persone, stupide, assieme a lui...
I Magistrati che lo accusano...Di sinistra!
La sua vita è nota a chi ha il coraggio di sapere e la voglia di diffondere ciò che quest'uomo sta cercando di tener nascosto alla massa...una massa che altro non è che ignorante proprio perché vuole ignorare...
Queste persone vogliono solo andare a dormire la sera senza preoccupazioni o problemi, vogliono solo essere mano pesanti e un "pochino troppo" più vuoti!
Ecco la sua carriera da...lasciamo stare!

Traffico di droga

Nel 1983 la Guardia di finanza, nell'ambito di un'inchiesta su un traffico di droga, aveva posto sotto controllo i telefoni di Berlusconi. Nel rapporto si legge: «È stato segnalato che il noto Silvio Berlusconi finanzierebbe un intenso traffico di stupefacenti dalla Sicilia, sia in Francia che in altre regioni italiane. Il predetto sarebbe al centro di grosse speculazioni edilizie e opererebbe sulla Costa Smeralda avvalendosi di società di comodo...». L'indagine non accertò nulla di penalmente rilevante e nel 1991 fu archiviata.

Falsa testimonianza sulla P2

La Silvio Berlusconi's first conviction by a court came in 1990, the Court of Appeal of Venice declares him guilty of perjury in the courts, with regard to its inclusion in the list P2. In September 1988, in fact, in a libel trial brought against him by some journalists, Berlusconi told the court: "I do not remember the exact date of my membership of the P2, I remember that shortly before the scandal ". To this statement Berlusconi goes on trial for perjury. The trial ended in 1990: Berlusconi is guilty, but the crime has lapsed for amnesty intervened 1989.

Bribes to the Guardia di Finanza

Berlusconi is accused of paying bribes to officers of the Guardia di Finanza to soften fiscal controls on four of its companies (Mondadori, Mediolanum, Videotime Telepiù). First Instance sentenced to 2 years and 9 months for all four alleged bribes, without extenuating circumstances. On appeal, the Court grants the extenuating circumstances: thus triggering the requirement for three bribes. For the fourth (Telepiù), absolution is granted by formula doubt (paragraph 2, art. 530 cpp). The Supreme Court in October 2001, confirmed the sentences for defendants Berlusconi Berruti, Sciascia, Nanocchio and Capone (hence the bribes were paid), but performs Berlusconi for not having committed the crime, even invoking the lack of evidence.

Bribes to Craxi (All Iberian 1)

For 21 billion in illicit funds Craxi (and more ~ \u200b\u200bgreat bribe ever paid to an individual politician in Italy), passed through the foreign company All Iberian, at first instance was sentenced to two years and four months. On appeal, due to the lengthy process triggered the statute of limitations. The Supreme Court confirmation.

false accounting (All Iberian 2)

Berlusconi Ë stato indagato (anche sulla base di una voluminosa consulenza fornita dalla Kpmg) per la rete di 64 società e conti off shore del gruppo Fininvest (Fininvest Group B) che, secondo l'accusa, ha finanziato operazioni "riservate" (ha scalato societý quotate in Borsa, come Standa e Rinascente, senza informare la Consob; ha aggirato le leggi antimonopolio tv in Italia e in Spagna, acquisendo il controllo di Telepi˜ e Telecinco; ha pagato tangenti a partiti politici, come la stecca record di 21 miliardi di lire data a Craxi attraverso la societý All Iberian). La rete occulta della Finivest-ombra ha spostato, tra il 1989 e il 1996, fondi neri per almeno 2 mila miliardi di lire. Per questo Berlusconi Ë had to respond to false accounting. But in 2002 changed the law on false accounting, making his crime of simple illegal curable with a fine and above all reducing time to prescription of the crime (they were 7 years, to increase up to 15, are now 4). So the judge for preliminary investigations in February 2003 ended the inquiry: denying absolution, as Berlusconi and his co-defendants (Paul's brother, his cousin Giancarlo Foscale, Adriano Galliani, Fedele Confalonieri) not be called innocent , but decided to prosciogliere tutti i 25 imputati, poichÈ il tempo per il processo, secondo la nuova legge, è scaduto. La procura ricorre in Cassazione, che all'inizio di luglio 2003 applica per la prima volta il "lodo Maccanico", decidendo la sospensione del processo per Berlusconi.

Caso Lentini

Berlusconi è stato rinviato a giudizio per aver deciso il versamento in nero di una decina di miliardi dalle casse del Milan a quelle del Torino calcio, per l’acquisto del calciatore Gianfranco Lentini. Il dibattimento di primo grado si Ë concluso con la dichiarazione che il reato Ë prescritto , grazie alla nuova legge di Berlusconi sul falso in bilancio.

Medusa cinematografica

Berlusconi è accusato di comportamenti illeciti nelle operazioni d'acquisto della società Medusa cinematografica, per non aver messo a bilancio 10 miliardi. In primo grado è condannato a 1 anno e 4 mesi per falso in bilancio. In appello, assoluzione con formula dubitativa , confermata in Cassazione.

Terreni di Macherio

Berlusconi is accused of embezzlement, tax fraud and false accounting for the acquisition of land around his villa in Macherio. First Instance acquitted misappropriation and fraud. For the two false claims in the budget takes the prescription . On appeal the acquittal is confirmed for the first two offenses, has acquitted one of false accounting, which applies for the amnesty.

Lodo Mondadori

Berlusconi is accused of paying judges in Rome to get a decision in his favor in Lodo Mondadori, which was to determine the ownership of the publishing house. The preliminary hearing judge Rosario Lupo has decided to close the case, doubtful with formula. The prosecutor has appealed to the Court of Appeal, which decided in June 2001: Berlusconi is conceivable for the crime of simple corruption, and not to contest in corruption in judicial acts, granted extenuating circumstances, the crime is therefore prescribed because dates back to 1991 and the prescription, with extenuating circumstances, triggered after 5 years. The judge ordered that his co-accused remain on trial Cesare Previti, Giovanni Acampora, Attilio Pacifico and Vittorio Metta.

Toghe dirty-Sme

Berlusconi is accused of bribing judges during the operations for the purchase of SME. Indicted together with Cesare Previti and Renato Squillante. The first trial ended (with convictions for Previti and Squillante) in Milan, after the Supreme Court rejected a request to move the trial or Brescia Perugia, reasonable suspicion, reintroduced specifically for law October 2002. Another law, the " Maccanico award, voted on a matter of urgency in June 2003, has forced the suspension of all processes to five senior the state, including President of the Council but was rejected by the Constitutional Court because it unconstitutional. Carved out the position of Berlusconi from the main trial, the Court of Milan held to prove the facts of corruption, was acquitted prescription on the money paid to Squires and acquitted for the rest, but with the reference to ' lack of evidence.

Partition advertising Rai-Fininvest

Berlusconi was accused of having led the Rai, as president of the Council to agree with the Fininvest roofs advertisements, to soften the competition. The prosecutor's office in Rome, having collected enough evidence for the crime of extortion, called archiving, received the preliminary hearing judge.

Bribes tax on pay-tv

Berlusconi was accused of paying bribes to executives and officials of the Ministry of Finance to reduce VAT from 19 to 4 per cent on pay TV and for reimbursement of please. The prosecutor of Rome called for the filing, received by the judge for the preliminary.

Massacres of 1992-1993

Authorizations of Caltanissetta and Florence, for many years investigating the "principals to face covered "the massacres of 1992 (Falcone e Borsellino) and 1993 (in Florence, Rome and Milan). The preliminary investigation on the possible role that Berlusconi and Marcello Dell'Utri may have had in those events have been formally closed by filings in 1998 (Florence) and 2002 (Caltanissetta). However, surveys continue to murder against unknown competition in storage and decrees have heavy items against Fininvest environments.


The prosecutor in Palermo investigated Berlusconi to the Mafia: competition esterno in associazione mafiosa e riciclaggio di denaro sporco. Nel 1998 l'indagine E' stata archiviata per scadenza dei termini massimi concessi per indagare. Indizi sui rapporti di Berlusconi e Dell'Utri con uomini di Cosa nostra continuano a essere segnalati in molte sentenze. Dell'Utri, infine, è stato condannato a Palermo a 9 anni per concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa, e questo getta ombre pesantissime su Berlusconi, che sarebbe stato messo da Dell'Utri nelle mani della mafia fin dal 1974.

Telecinco in Spagna

Berlusconi, Dell’Utri Fininvest and other managers responsible issuer Telecinco in Spain, are accused of tax evasion and violation of the 100 billion English antitrust law, to have secretly held control of the Telecinco, prohibited by antitrust laws. They are now awaiting trial at the request of anti-corruption magistrate in Madrid, Baltasar Garzon Real. Judge Garzon has asked to try Berlusconi in Italy or be able to trial in Spain. In fact, the process is' suspended .

(Taken from )

And from the world continue to observe, to wonder why, how and when ... For us, indeed, some of you, it has become quite normal, clean and without any stain! Having a prime minister who changed the law to the laws, media criticism, complains, and even breaks his balls, has become the practice for an Italian life ... I am tired of being laughed at by countries that do not have a history and a culture similar to ours!

- "Italian?"

- "Yes, why?"

- "Berlusconi, the mafia and pizza ..."

's enough people who think ... like me to spread this message along with the video that you find below to make people understand "ignorant", that ignores the real conditions of our country, where we got to scrape the bottom ...!

Domenico Presutto