Sunday, September 20, 2009

Floor Wiper Exercises

Hi guys ...
now write for a while 'time and I think I can say with great humility, that someone appreciates what I jot down every week on my blog ...
Some time ago I created a newsletter that I have now replaced it with a new more practical and functional than the first!
I'm really sorry if I had entered so far not to renew their participation in my blog! Obviously I hope there are new, so many!

Enter your address Email:

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Enter your email and confirm your subscription by clicking on the link that will come soon by email!
Thank you for your participation!

Domenico Presutto

How big is the universe?

How big is our universe?
I think it would be simplistic to explain it ... enjoy this video that I edited and share it!

Domenico Presutto

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sandrail Buggy Blueprints

3 years

from what I started this blog.
three years to talk about me, my hobbies, my travels .. my life.
But it's time to close this blog, I thought I would keep it open only for the scrap but I will not because it makes no sense.
I opened a private blog here:

While here you will find my work scrap:

Thanks to those of the past here:) Bye

Friday, September 11, 2009

Ohio Driver's License Renewal Online

I vintooooo

from the blogcandy mammafeliceeee .. but how am contentaaa!

Fish Sticks South Park Words

September 11, 2001 - The day of infamy

Sono trascorsi otto anni da quel giorno, ma dimenticare è ormai impossibile...
Nel cielo della mia città si mossero decine di aerei militari, in formazione, ammucchiati in una piccola porzione di cielo e, per un ragazzino di quattordici anni, è un qualcosa di spaventoso.
Lasciai cadere a terra il pallone e, assieme ai miei amici restammo semplicemente a guardare.
La sera quando tornai a casa, guardando il telegiornale, capii che da quel giorno qualcosa sarebbe cambiato in tutto il mondo, capii che il modo di vivere la nostra quotidianietà non sarebbe stato più lo stesso.
Il terrore aveva colpito, non solo gli USA, ma il cuore di ogni persona; aveva scalfito la dura corazza che i nostri capi di stato ci avevano imposto.
Migliaia di persone persero la vita, tutte assieme, tutte innocenti...
Al-Qaeda had struck, and had also done in a rather noisy.
American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines 175 that were crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center ... the center of the economic world.
The first collapsed after 56 minutes and the second after 102, creating the "Panic" I had never seen such terror in the eyes of a person.
I still have printed the image of people who, desperate and at the mercy of the flames and smoke, ran for even from the highest floors of the twin towers to fall on deaf ears for endless seconds, and then die.
Another flight hit the Pentagon, killing hundreds of soldiers and yet another crashed in a field near Stonycreek in County Somerset (Pennsylvania) because passengers, informatesi by phone that two other planes were flown into the twin towers and tried to steal the plane from the control of hijackers and, in a certain way, we made it.
A lot of people it was clear, even if I was just a kid, that such a massacre had been studied long, long time and that they almost certainly no mathematician, someone had to know, not exactly the precise day, but the time when this would happen, yes.
not want to be, however, to indicate how many mysteries have yet to be revealed by the special commission charged with investigating the attack, or want to tell us what are these mysteries, I just want you to reflect on the evil present in ' human spirit, the desire of every individual to dominate, the facilities that exist in killing a man, while, to love, sometimes we must make an effort greater than ourselves.
differences of religion, politics, skin color, are only the tools that some men have discovered and used to be in full control of its army, its mass of believers, ready for anything for the triumph of their god, and his followers, ready to assert their own ideas with the most ruthless leader of the violence.
Nothing more to add: a connoisseur, a few words ...
A chi è stato donato il dono della comprensione, carpisca ciò che trascende la queste mie parole, a chi invece non è stato donato o non lo hai mai utilizzato fino a farlo assopire per sempre, cosa posso dire...continuate a vivere in questo modo; lasciando che le cose accadano, senza mai interagire con la propria vita e quella degli altri, senza mai cercare di entrare nel cuore di un'altra persona e, come la pensano i maggiori terroristi al mondo, cercando di far prevalere se stesso sugli altri.
Quel giorno resterà dentro di noi per sempre, ed è anche giusto così; non bisogna mai dimenticare ciò che il passato ci taught, otherwise, between it and the future there would be no difference, and then we could say that I have never existed.
2974 A salute to the victims of that tragedy and immense honor all the firefighters and police who lost their lives to save her high ...

Domenico Presutto

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Message Looks Like Spam Or Phish To Me (op)

Blog candy in stages: win disney

I love Donald Duck, so I try to participate in this candy hopefully good!
is copied from the blog of the Regulation MammaFelice:

The Candy

Here's how the Candy :
To celebrate, OVS Kids is giving away two t-shirts page hand-drawn by its artists of the Academy, in this 'Candy Stages'.

The first shirt is dedicated to Donald (size 7-8 years), is put up for grabs Mammafelice!

Rules Candy

1. Just leave a comment in this post, you will the draw of your t-shirt
2. Explain briefly why you like Donald or because you think you look like him;
3. Candy's linking to your blog.

The moment will be announced the first winner (drawn at random with a random program), will reveal the name of the blog is put up for grabs in the second t-shirt : If you did not win the first time, you can subscribe to the second Candy (thus twice as likely!).
The shirt will naturally be sent home the winner, who will send me your address via email.

The Candy Mammafelice only lasts about a week leave your comments to win the shirt!
And if you do not win ... discover the name of the blog where will the second stage of Candy, for luck again with twice the possibilities.

Deadline: Friday, September 11, 2009, at 14
Link initiative: OVS Kids Disney meets

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Religious Well Wishes

Closed for business

close the blog for a while because the return to work was intense, very intense!

For a month I will not have time for anything.

If you want to hear my mobile and cmq I check mail every evening:) Kisses