Italy, March 17, 1861.
From there our story begins, a series of successes and failures, a succession of ups and downs.
The world championship, fascism, the two world wars, the gold won at the Olympics , the Mafia and the great scientific discoveries are all memory of this country.
Since the beginning of its origins, there has always been a hatred as a sort of phobia against
of us southerners.
South synonymous with ignorance, mafia, trash and many other things, of course negative.
Italy, 1986.
is born Autonomy Lombard League, which, in 1989, when elections for the European Parliament, united with the Liga Venta , creating the Northern Alliance .. .
Continue with this history would be a waste of time, not worth the trouble to narrate the birth of a political party whose goal is to separate what the blood of thousands of men have united to destroy what determination and strength of heroes has created.
The fault lies in the south, the Camorra, the mafia, never mention the big companies "Po", which taking advantage of the underworld here in the south, are charged to dispose of their toxic waste .. .
We are the ruin of the country, we Neapolitans, Sicilians, Calabresi ...
I believe that North and South are the only ' appellativo di due dei quattro punti cardinali...
Le differenze tra i popoli non esistono se non nella mente contorta e pazzoide di alcuni uomini.
Poco tempo fa, soprattutto grazie alla rete, le parole offensive di Matteo Salvini , eurodeputato al parlamento europeo , fecero il giro d'Italia in poche ore.
Umberto Bossi, Roberto Calderoli , Giancarlo Giorgetti ...
The ruin of a country lies with the men who want to destroy ; minded individuals do not conform to the ethics of love to your country.
In Parliament Europeo, la Lega Nord è l'unico partito presente i cui scopi siano in opposizione alla stabilità e unione di uno stato.
Queste figuracce che facciamo in Europa e nel mondo...
Tu, che vuoi bruciare il tricolore, per cortesia, non esultare per le nostre vittorie; non appartieni a questo stato e quindi a nessun altro.
Domenico Presutto