Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Can Herpes Be Found On The Stomach?

La lega nord

Italy, March 17, 1861.
From there our story begins, a series of successes and failures, a succession of ups and downs.
The world championship, fascism, the two world wars, the gold won at the Olympics , the Mafia and the great scientific discoveries are all memory of this country.
Since the beginning of its origins, there has always been a hatred as a sort of phobia against
of us southerners.
South synonymous with ignorance, mafia, trash and many other things, of course negative.
Italy, 1986.
is born Autonomy Lombard League, which, in 1989, when elections for the European Parliament, united with the Liga Venta , creating the Northern Alliance .. .
Continue with this history would be a waste of time, not worth the trouble to narrate the birth of a political party whose goal is to separate what the blood of thousands of men have united to destroy what determination and strength of heroes has created.
The fault lies in the south, the Camorra, the mafia, never mention the big companies "Po", which taking advantage of the underworld here in the south, are charged to dispose of their toxic waste .. .
We are the ruin of the country, we Neapolitans, Sicilians, Calabresi ...
I believe that North and South are the only ' appellativo di due dei quattro punti cardinali...
Le differenze tra i popoli non esistono se non nella mente contorta e pazzoide di alcuni uomini.
Poco tempo fa, soprattutto grazie alla rete, le parole offensive di Matteo Salvini , eurodeputato al parlamento europeo , fecero il giro d'Italia in poche ore.
Ecco il video del penoso avvenimento, tratto dal canale YouTube di illecitocom .

Umberto Bossi, Roberto Calderoli , Giancarlo Giorgetti ...
The ruin of a country lies with the men who want to destroy ; minded individuals do not conform to the ethics of love to your country.
In Parliament Europeo, la Lega Nord è l'unico partito presente i cui scopi siano in opposizione alla stabilità e unione di uno stato.
Queste figuracce che facciamo in Europa e nel mondo...
Tu, che vuoi bruciare il tricolore, per cortesia, non esultare per le nostre vittorie; non appartieni a questo stato e quindi a nessun altro.

Domenico Presutto

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Comfort Angel Inspirational Flags

Can - Team Hoyt

Potrò farcela, sarò capace, mi mancheranno le forze?
As it is difficult sometimes to live ...
Yet our lives are so simple, so muffled, yet we all tend to complain
of everything that happens around us.
The limit of our own men not being able to distinguish the possible from the impossible;
often try to achieve things that are as distant stars to us and maybe we do not pay attention
next to the things that we ...
"How hard is it to live!" Said the father when he saw his son born ... How
will feel the same as everyone else?
A small note, unfinished musical harmony, a song written in half, but still a success!
His eyes crossed those of the son for the first time and both knew they were forever.
The sun rose that morning, even to the east ...
The father took courage and looked at the sweet face of his wife and said
"I will be ever she lacks, and he will be my fullness."
Years passed, the small Hoyt grew, he graduated and began to interact with the world ...
made his first marathon with her father ...
40 KM together, regardless of any limitation, regardless of fatigue and difficulty.
decided to run together and this was forever, as their first glance.
After a bit 'of time, the marathon started to become easier for them and we wanted something that would have them
pushed to the edge of their volotnà; wanted to test their bond, their tune ...
The son said to his father
"Father, you had the 'ironman with me? "
know cos' is the ironman ?
One of the toughest physical tests, which exist in the world:

1) 3.8 km swimming
2) 180 km cycling
3) 42 km running

The father looked at his son's eyes and said
"Son, we must train ourselves a lot."
I due si guardarono e sorrisero ed anche quel momento fu per sempre...
Poi, finalmente arrivò il giorno della grande prova!
Ce l'avrebbero fatta assieme?
Sarebbero arrivati al traguardo?
Guardate queste immagini e commentate la forza, la passione e l'amore di questo padre...

La canzone è "I can only imagine " di Mercy Me .
Come appunto il titolo di questa canzone dice:
"Io posso soltanto immaginare..."
Cliccate qui per visitare il loro sito.

Domenico Presutto

* Ringrazio padre e figlio Hoyt ...
Dick , Rick not never forget what you made me understand ...
Life must be lived, must be addressed and then only at the end of our days we can pull the money.

Friday, July 24, 2009

What Does Cervical Fluid Look Like Before Period

Figuracce all'italiana

Again, yet another would say, He who is equal to the average level of culture and education of our people ...
Dear Silvio, it is possible that your mind on your gray, your neurons, we have not communicated with each other to say:
"Hey, there is the German chancellor is also waiting for you ... a lady, let's not wait!"
I do not understand how people really trust this guy, I really can not conceive how the boys so much admire in a person's life has a past ... like her!
Beppe Grillo calls the psychodwarf ... I really do not know how to define an individual like this ...
(I suspensive many points actually come from the fact that I do not know what to write about this person, I do not know whether to send him to that country or whether, with almost sorry for him, simply tell the future).
G20, April 2009.
Our Premier arriving by car. Waiting for him, according to protocol, there is Merkel, German chancellor.
Our dear Prime Minister gets out, looks sweet lady and motioned him to wait ...
was on the phone!
Meanwhile other guests arrive, the Merkel expects other moments later, impatient, says something to journalists and enters ...

Here's a video from YouTube channel Thunder 8500 ,
showing the pitiful event.

* I would like to point out that at the end of the video you hear a voice say,
con tono e accento tipicamente partenopeo:
"Che figur e m...!"

L'umiliazione più grande è proprio quella di dover essere rappresentati da questo individuo...
Non capisco come il nostro popolo non apra gli occhi per capire chi davvero ha di fronte!
Comunque, il G20 continua...
Foto di gruppo...
Le maggiori personalità of the globe, a pleasant, quiet, and suddenly
like a bolt from the blue, the voice of our Silvio bursts into the room, shouting:
"Mr. Obama!"
Addressing the President of the U.S. ...
The Queen of England, annoyed, says,
"But why should scream?"
Everyone laughs ...

Here's the video showing the 'nth and
disheartening Italian fool!
Video taken from YouTube channel fabioturone and
taken in turn from the site of Corriere della Sera.

This we have and we should keep ...
I'm not there, you?
Let me know what you think of the Cavalier Berlusconi ...

Domenico Presutto

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Intitle. I-catcher Console Web Monitor

L'eterno ritorno

Walking among the people, suddenly, I stopped and began to understand.
The randomness of our actions is generated by ourselves: what we do today, then generates what we will do tomorrow.
There are other ways per spiegare la nostra vita se non definirla unica; un' irripetibile susseguirsi di coincidenze che mai più si ripeterà, una combinazione di emozioni, affetti e sensazioni che resterà solo nel ricordo d i colui che, noi esseri umani, definiamo Dio.
Questo discorso potrebbe essere coerente per le nostre "finite" menti, ma va in contrasto con l'infinità del tempo.
"Uomo, come pretendi di capire, analizzare ed avvertire il tempo, quando tu, povero essere mortale, non puoi che considerarlo parte della tua breve esistenza, mentre, in realtà, è l'esatto opposite? "
These are the words that could tell us an immortal being, making us feel so perhaps too much of our" limitations ".
Yet if we pause to reflect, if analyze the facts from a point objectively, we can only say:
"Yes, they can not conceive of a complete and real-time, I can not consider it as part of my life, but I have to I, a humble creature" over, "recognize to belong to it.
Our lives, although unique and exceptional , according to the German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche , potrebbero ripetersi non solo una sola volta, ma infinite volte.
Il concetto stesso di "infinito", essendo noi creature "finite", almeno su questa terra, o meglio in questa vita, non ci appartiene e non possiamo comprenderlo .
Quello che il caro Nietzsche diceva, era questo:
se l'universo, una volta arrivato alla sua massima espansione, tornerà a collassare su se stesso, per poi espandersi again and repeat this process many times, the most unlikely of situations, the most adverse of conditions and the most incredible miracles could happen again and again, forever.
think that our lives are nothing but the combination high a number of actions and reactions, perhaps makes us feel less than they really are.
can feel the emotion that kissing you, light of my life, light that lightens the dark path of life, be the same as a single life in the same "time" in which the universe is finite for then start ?
Forse l'universo non finisce collassando su se stesso, forse esso non è mai iniziato e mai finirà, forse il tempo non esiste, forse noi non esistiamo...come è difficile concepire cose più grandi di noi, come è difficile cercare di avvicinarsi a Dio.
Pensavo a ieri, a quando sfiorai per la prima volta le labbra della mia donna...
Pensare che quel momento potrebbe essere per sempre, pensare che "io", anche se non del tutto, la bacerò per sempre, per un numero infinito di volte, mi rende felice, ma credere che il mio peggior incubo, il mio peggior demone e il mio più great pain, they can return from infinity of the repetition of the time, to keep me company, I am upset.
Theory, a theory pure and simple ... but if that were the case?
I do not think we'll never know, so I do not think there is reason to worry , whether it will or will not, but I think it is appropriate to live and try not to make mistakes, so as to bring back only many good deeds, countless emotions and incredible passion.
What then is the day when everything will be repeated!
For me, I will be proud!
I want to offer a video, one of the most beautiful sentences I've ever heard ...

from the movie: K-Pax

one of my favorites.

Domenico Presutto

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Liver Failure Causes More Condition_symptoms

Fumare nuoce gravemente alla salute...e mangiare?

How many times some of our acquaintance have told us:
"Do not smoke, it hurts ".
We believe that the percentage of mathematics and statistics, are always on our side.
"Is it possible that among the millions, even billions, of people who smoke, the cancer should take me?".
Today, smoking a cigarette, is seen as a bad thing, a mistake, a self harm, but no, just nobody comes to say how much it hurts to eat .. .
There seems to be possible, right?
The problem is not eating, but in the quality of what we eat, the things that should not be present in our food, things that the very nature has not created; waste of human greed.
In Italy, our most beautiful country, we have the ability to change any name, name, noun, in another more pleasant to hear, more altosonante or less full of negativity. And then, like magic, the blind became "blind" scavengers "ecological operators", the hantichappati " disabled and otherwise, so as not to change this practice we gained , also incinerators become with ease: " incinerators.
And here's how the word becomes a lethal weapon ...
How can we be so blind? ... ops, sorry, "the blind?".
Thermo-enhancing V s . Ash ... not a clash of the ...
As if a criminal came into the bank and said:
"Stop, this is a withdrawal compulsory and forced the entire sum of cash kept in your own, welcoming so well, safes .
At that point, the bank manager, looking serene and smiling face, answer :
"Please, here are the keys, go ahead."
Italy so it works now for over twenty years ...
We, the poor, and especially ignorant citizens, we remain silent, as if enraptured by the wonderful way of talking to some people, the incredible ability that the leaders of our country to put ...
I incinerators would generate, incinerating our waste, energy, which should then be used by us Italians.
The only problem is that there is this: the energy used to incinerate our " rubbish", is higher than that obtained from the combustion phase the same .. .
In a company where costs are above the entrance, the manager tries to decodificare la situazione e trarne una soluzione.
In Italia le cose non vanno in questo modo...
Il problema di cui volevo parlarvi, è questo: dai nostri cari e inutili " termovalorizzatori ", fuoriescono della particella, nano-particelle di metalli: ferro, alluminio, titanio, e chi più ne ha più ne metta.
Questa nano-particelle, non essendo biodegradabili , se inalate o ingerite, restano nel nostro organismo ...per quanto tempo?
I can only tell you that we will bring in the grave ...
In all the products we eat, because the raw materials come from areas where it could not miss the ' altosonante presence of a " incinerator " , you can find these now ubiquitous nano-particles of metals.
many politicians in the past, like dear Umberto Veronesi, almost shouted to the world how these particles were harmless to human beings.
pity that the researches of Dr . Montanari and Dr . Ssa Cats , we reported results completely opposite, putting almost ridiculous in the same Veronesi.
We, meanwhile, slept ...
Veronesi established in 2003, the foundation that bears his name for the same food for cancer research ... you know what the weird thing?
One of the three foundations of "The future of science ", World Conference on research, is the very foundation of Veronesi and between the partners it would include companies such as Enel, Acea and Veolia Environnement ; companies involved, as well as water supply, including production of energy through the ' incineration and waste treatment.
What must say the water-carrier of their water?
not I think I should extend on this subject ...
This is our country and that we hold, for now, until the majority of people will open their eyes not only see but also to watch. Although I believe that day is near.

to see a video in which the Dr . ssa Cats explores the topic.

below, you will find a piece of a show Beppe Grillo , which is the topic.

Video taken from Youtube Channel

"The End because it is near the beginning
has now been forgotten. "

Domenico Presutto

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Itchy Legs More Condition_symptoms

Domani si parte...
mi aspettano 15 giorni di mare , passeggiate , tanti libri da leggere sotto l'ombrellone e tanto buon pesce da mio fratello..
ci rileggiamo il 1 agosto..

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Destination Wedding Thank You Examples

E 'Aleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee born! Video

Ho appena ricevuto un sms da Bietolina , stamattina è nato il suo piccolo Alessandro 3200 Kg !
La mamma ha un pò male ma dice che passerà , un abbraccio forte forte a tutti e due!!!

Hemorrhage More Condition_symptoms

my sister + friend

Yeah I know I wrote "we read in a month .." but strangely internet works here, so until I leave for the sea (15) I can update the blog ^ _ ^

This video I did last year at sea, my sister (right) and her friend.
How funny!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Religious Phrases For Sympathy Card

discovered new blog

going around the net I found this blog, I read all the posts in half an hour and I was moved, excited, I had tears in his eyes!
I've already put some of my favorite ...


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Silvercity Cinema In Ottawa


E' proprio arrivata l'estate..uff..lascerò passare questi mesi ignorando il caldo umido e vivendo in attesa del freddo..della nebbia e magari pure della neve.
Domenica tommy è partito per il tirocinio FIT , sarà a Caprese Michelangelo fino all'8 agosto , quindi significa che per un pò di giorni non ci vediamo.
Certo il magone è tanto , ma sono forte , mi sto stupendo di me stessa.
Cavolo mi manca un sacco , è brutto addormentarsi senza di lui , girare per casa e vedere che lui non c'è , ma questo tirocinio lo deve fare quindi pace.
Quando parlo con lui al telefono gli faccio understand that they are quiet, which I miss very much but who are not depressed, I will not give you other thoughts, send them my support and he appreciates.
It 'difficult for him to be so far away from me, but we are mature enough not to panic (but hard XD).
For the rest all goes well, are now officially on vacation until Sept. 1 and now no job.
Friday and go on from my birth, so this year my vacation will be more or less like this:
July 3 to 14 15 to 31 July Bovolone
August 1 to 8 8 to 16 August Poggio
August 16 to 20 (maybe) Assisi
Poggio August 20 to 31 with some escape to the spa Montegrotto.

I have already prepared a bag full of books, this year with the job a little messed up I have not had much time to read but I will refer in recent months.
I wish good to those who pass by here and leave a lot of fun ... we read again in mid-August ^ _ ^